
30+ Noun Start with B with Examples

Noun Start With B

Today, we are going to learn about noun start with b. Nouns are vital parts of our language and help us to express ourselves clearly. So, what are the examples of nouns? Let’s see some commonly used nouns that start with b. Also, we will learn about some categories like common nouns, proper nouns, abstract nouns, and collective nouns to understand it better. 

Some Commonly Used Noun Starting With B

Nouns help us to name people, animals, or things and help in our communication. Here, we will focus on some commonly used nouns that start with b. Let’s see some.

1. Ball: A round object used in games.

Example: The kids played catch with a red ball.

2. Book: A set of written, printed, or blank pages fastened together between a front and back cover.

Example: She borrowed a book from the library.

3. Bag: A container used for carrying things.

Example: He packed his lunch in a reusable bag.

4. Bicycle: A vehicle with 2 wheels driven by pedaling. 

Example: Caroline rides her bicycle on the street every day.

5. Bed: A piece of furniture for sleeping.

Example: The bed in the hotel was very comfortable.

6. Bird: A type of animal with feathers and wings.

Example: A bird chirped outside the window.

7. Bottle: A container with a small neck used to store liquids.

Example: She drank from a glass bottle of water.

8. Bread: A food made from flour and water, usually baked.

Example: She bought fresh bread from the bakery.

9. Bridge: A construction designed to cross a physical barrier.

Example: Bridges link different places together.

10. Bus: A large vehicle used for public transport.

Example: The bus was crowded during the morning rush.

11. Box: A container with flat surfaces and usually a lid.

Example: He put his old clothes in a box.

12. Boat: A small vessel for traveling on water.

Example: They rented a boat for the weekend.

13. Building: A structure with a roof and walls.

Example: The new building has a modern design.

14. Button: A small disk used for fastening clothes.

Example: Buttons come in many shapes and sizes.

15. Balloon: A flexible thing that can be inflated with air or gas.

Example: The children played with colorful balloons.

16. Butterfly: An insect with large, colorful wings.

Example: A butterfly landed on the flower.

17. Basket: A container made from woven material.

Example: She filled the basket with fruits.

18. Barn: A building used for storing farm animals or equipment.

Example: The cows were kept in the barn.

19. Bell: A hollow metal item that produces a ringing sound.

Example: Bells are used in schools and churches.

20. Bench: A long seat for several people.

Example: They sat on the park bench to rest.

What are the Different Types of Noun That Start With B?

When you explore nouns that start with b, you will discover varieties of nouns. The common noun like ‘book’ and ‘ball’, the abstract noun like ‘beauty’ and ‘bravery’. Now, see what are the examples of nouns, starting with b in detail.

Common Noun’s that Start With B

Common nouns are general names for things and are not capitalized unless they start a sentence. These nouns refer to a class or group of entities. So, what are the examples of nouns that start with b in common nouns?

1. Bridge:  A construction designed to cross a physical barrier.

Example: The bridge crossed the wide river.

2. Bus:  A large vehicle used for public transport.

Example: They waited for the bus.

3. Button: A small disk used for fastening clothes.

Example: She pressed the button from her shirt.

4. Bag:  A container used for carrying things.

Example: He forgot his bag at school.

5. Ball: A round object used in games.

Example: The ball bounced off the wall.

6. Blanket: A cover made of wool.

Example: The blanket kept them warm.

7. Bowl: A deep round dish without a lid that is used for holding liquid or food.

Example: She ate from a large bowl.

8. Brush: An object that is used for cleaning things.

Example: He brushed his teeth at night.

9. Bell: A hollow metal item that produces a ringing sound.

Example: The bell rang on the door.

10. Bench: A long seat for several people.

Example: They sat on the park bench.

What are the examples of noun in common nouns that start with b, which will develop your interest in this and expand your vocabulary? Let’s see some of them:

BrickBroccoli Butter 
Bookcase Branch Bone 
Breeze Breath Boot 
Balance Bark Blood 

Proper Nouns that Start With B

Proper nouns are specific names of people ‘bill Gates’, places ‘Bali’, animals ‘Bat’, etc. So, what are the examples of noun in proper noun starting with b, which you mostly used?

1. Berlin: Largest city of Germany.

Example: Berlin is the capital of Germany.

2. BMW: Name of a car

Example: He bought a new BMW.

3. Bali: Province of Indonesia.

Example: Bali is a beautiful island.

4. Ben: common name.

Example: Ben is my best friend.

5. Boston: The capital and largest city of the northeastern US state of Massachusetts.

Example: Boston is a historic city.

6. Beyoncé: A singer

Example: Beyoncé is a famous singer.

 7. Brooklyn: A borough in New York City.

Example: My friend lives in Brooklyn. 

8. Barack Obama: American politician and 44th president of the US.

Example: Barack Obama was the President.

9. Brazil: The largest and easternmost country in South and Latin America.

Example: Brazil is famous for football.

10. Britain: England

Example: Britain has a long history.

What are the examples of noun in proper nouns that start with b, which will improve your vocabulary and connect you more with the world? Let’s see some of them:

Brittany Bolivia Bulgaria 
Brussels Beverly HillsBaltimore 
Brisbane Birmingham Brandy 
Bristol Bach Bordeaux 

Abstract Nouns that Start With B

Abstract nouns represent intangible concepts, ideas, or qualities. So, what are the examples of noun in abstract nouns starting with b?

1. Bravery: The quality of having moral and mental strength to face fear.

Example: Bravery is admired in heroes.

2. Beauty: A trait that brings pleasure to the senses.

Example: Beauty is everywhere.

3. Balance: An ability to keep steady in life.

Example: Life is about balance.

4. Brotherhood: A feeling of great friendship.

Example: Brotherhood among soldiers is strong.

5. Blessing: A thing that you are grateful for.

Example: Every day is a blessing.

6. Boldness: Be confident and brave.

Example: Boldness can lead to success.

7. Belonging: Feeling of comfortness.

Example: The sense of belonging is comforting.

8. Brightness: The quality of shining with.

Example: The brightness of the sun is blinding.

9. Burden: Something that is heavy to carry.

Example: The burden was too heavy to bear.

10. Boredom: The state of being bored.

Example: Boredom can spark creativity.

What are the examples of noun in abstract nouns that start with b, which will improve your vocabulary and connect you more with the world? Let’s see some of them:

Bliss BrevityBenefit 
Brilliance BluntnessBarbarism 
Belief BitternessBusiness 
BenevolenceBondage Blame 
BetrayalBrutality Belligerence

Collective Nouns that Start With B

Collective nouns describe groupings of people or objects. So, what are the examples of noun in collective nouns starting with b?

1. Bunch: A number . of things usually of the same type.

Example: A bunch of bananas was on the table.

2. Band: A small group of musicians.

Example: The band played music.

3. Batch: A number of things that belong together.

Example: She baked a batch of cookies.

4. Bundle: A group of things that are tied.

Example: He carried a bundle of sticks.

5. Board: A group of people who have authority within an organization.

Example: The board of directors met today.

6. Bouquet: A group of flowers.

Example: She received a bouquet of flowers.

7. Brew:  A mixture of several things.

Example: He prepared a brew of tea.

8. Bench: A group of judges.

Example: The bench of judges gave the verdict.

9. Block: A quantity of something.

Example: A block of ice floated by.

10. Brood: A group of young animals born around the same time.

Example: A brood of chicks followed the hen.  

Here are some more examples of it:

Brigade Bevy 


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