
Noun Phrase Examples, Definition, Exercises, Worksheet

If you are looking for a noun phrase examples, here you will get everything about the meaning of a noun phrase and its examples. You will be able to understand the topic easily. Here you will learn to use a noun phrase in different components. like a noun phrase containing a noun, conjunction, and a noun, containing a gerund and a noun, and many more with their examples. Here the topics and concepts are explained in a meaningful manner so that all your doubts go away.
If you are a teacher or a parent, you can take advantage of this.  You can take examples, exercises, and worksheets from here to make your students or children learn, respectively. 

What is a Noun Phrase?

A noun phrase is a group of words that functions as a noun in a sentence. A noun phrase can take the place of both subjects and objects. It usually consists of a noun along with its modifiers, such as adjectives, determiners (like articles or possessive pronouns), or even prepositional phrases. A noun phrase can be as short as a single word or as long as a series of words. Let’s look at an example to understand this better:

  • Single Noun: Dog
  • Noun Phrase: The big brown dog

In the example above, “dog” is the noun, and “the big brown” is the modifier that describes it. Together, they form the noun phrase “the big brown dog.”

Noun phrase examples

  1. The curious little kitten.
  2. A delicious slice of chocolate cake.
  3. The tall, ancient oak tree.
  4. My best friend from college.
  5. Several colorful balloons are in the sky.

Components of a noun phrase

A noun phrase consists of a noun along with some components, that are:

  • A conjunction and a noun
  • A gerund
  • An article and an adjective
  • An article, a noun, and a prepositional phrase
  • A determiner and a noun

Let’s see the examples of the components of a noun phrase one by one and understand the concept carefully.

Noun phrase containing a Noun, a Conjunction, and a Noun

Here are five examples of noun phrases that contain a noun, a conjunction, and a noun:

  1. The cat and the dog played in the garden.
  2. A pen and a notebook are essential for school.
  3. The teacher and the student discussed the project.
  4. Ice cream and cake are my favorite desserts.
  5. The sun and the moon shine brightly in the sky.

In the above examples, the noun phrases consist of two nouns connected by a conjunction “and.” These bold words are the noun phrases that perform the role of the objects in the given sentences. They help describe relationships, preferences, or actions involving multiple subjects.

Noun phrase containing a Gerund and a Noun

Here are five examples of noun phrases that contain a gerund (a verb form ending in -ing that functions as a noun) and a noun:

  1. Swimming in the ocean is my favorite summer activity.
  2. Reading books helps improve vocabulary and comprehension skills.
  3. Cooking delicious meals brings me joy and satisfaction.
  4. Jogging in the park is a great way to stay healthy.
  5. Painting landscapes requires patience and creativity.

In the above examples, the noun phrases consist of a gerund followed by a noun, with the gerund serving as the main noun in the phrase. The gerund serves as the primary noun, while the noun provides context or detail about the activity in the given sentences.

Noun phrase containing an Article, an Adjective, and a Noun

Here are five examples of noun phrases that contain an article, an adjective, and a noun:

  1. The beautiful garden is filled with colorful flowers.
  2. A fluffy puppy is playing in the yard.
  3. An old book can provide valuable knowledge.
  4. The tall building offers stunning views of the city.
  5. A delicious pizza is waiting for us at the restaurant.

In the above sentences, the noun phrases consist of an article (either “the,” “a,” or “an”), an adjective that describes the noun, and the noun itself. The article sets the context (specific or non-specific), the adjective adds descriptive quality, and the noun serves as the central subject in the given sentences.

Noun phrase containing an Article, a Noun, and a Prepositional Phrase

Here are five examples of noun phrases that contain an article, a noun, and a prepositional phrase:

  1. The book on the table is my favorite.
  2. A cat under the bed is hiding from the dog.
  3. An apple in the basket looks ripe and delicious.
  4. The children at the park are playing games.
  5. A painting by the famous artist hung in the gallery.

In the above sentences, the noun phrases consist of an article, a noun, and a prepositional phrase that provides additional information about the noun. The article sets the context (whether the noun is specific or non-specific), the noun serves as the central subject, and the prepositional phrase adds additional context or information about the noun’s location, relationship, or characteristics in the given sentences.

Noun phrase examples containing a Determiner and a Noun

Here are five examples of noun phrases that contain a determiner and a noun:

  1. This car is my favorite.
  2. Several students passed the exam with flying colors.
  3. Every book on the shelf is available for checkout.
  4. That dog barks loudly at strangers.
  5. Some flowers were blooming in the garden.

In the above sentences, the noun phrases consist of a determiner and a noun. The determiner helps specify or limit the noun, while the noun serves as the core subject of the phrase. The determiner helps to identify or quantify the noun, enhancing the understanding of which noun is being discussed in the given sentences.x

How to Identify a Noun Phrase?

Now, you know the meaning of a noun phrase and its various components, so identifying them would not be difficult for you. To identify a noun phrase, look for the main noun in a sentence and any words that modify or describe it. The phrase should work together to refer to a person, place, thing, or idea. For example:

  • The young boy with a red hat is running fast.
    Noun Phrase: The young boy with a red hat (it tells us who is running fast).

Noun Phrase | Exercise

Question: Go through the sentences provided below and identify the noun phrase in each sentence. Also, state whether the noun phrase is used as a subject or an object in the sentence.

  1. The little girl played in the park.
  2. I saw a beautiful painting at the museum.
  3. The tall man is my neighbor.
  4. She gave her friend a gift.
  5. A bright star shone in the sky.
  6. They found an old book in the attic.
  7. My favorite restaurant serves delicious food.
  8. The teacher asked the students to complete their homework.
  9. A new car is parked outside.
  10. I enjoyed the concert last night.


  1. The little girl played in the park. – Subject
  2. I saw a beautiful painting at the museum. – Object
  3. The tall man is my neighbor. – Subject
  4. She gave her friend a gift. – Object
  5. A bright star shone in the sky. – Subject
  6. They found an old book in the attic. – Object
  7. My favorite restaurant serves delicious food. – Subject
  8. The teacher asked the students to complete their homework. – Object
  9. A new car is parked outside. – Subject
  10. I enjoyed the concert last night. – Object

Noun phrase | Worksheet

Question 1: What is a Noun Phrase?

Question 2: Read the sentences below and underline the noun phrases.

  1. The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.
  2. A tall building stands at the end of the street.
  3. My best friend loves to play basketball.
  4. The colorful balloons floated away in the sky.
  5. A group of children is playing in the playground.

Question 3: For each noun phrase identified in Question 2, state whether it is a subject or an object.

Sentence NumberNoun PhraseSubject/Object

Question 4: Write your noun phrases based on the prompts below.

  1. Noun phrase with an adjective and a noun:
    Example: ____________________________________________________
  2. Noun phrase with a determiner and a noun:
    Example: ____________________________________________________
  3. Noun phrase with a prepositional phrase:
    Example: ____________________________________________________

Question 5: Complete the sentences by adding a suitable noun phrase.

  1. ______ was awarded the first prize.
  2. I enjoy reading ______ on weekends.
  3. ______ is my favorite type of music.
  4. We spotted ______ in the garden.
  5. ______ is the best place to relax.

Question 6: What is the main function of a noun phrase in a sentence?

Question 7: Give an example of a noun phrase containing an article, an adjective, and a noun.

Question 8: Identify the noun phrase in the following sentence: “The tall trees swayed in the wind.”

  1. The tall
  2. Swayed in the wind
  3. The tall trees
  4. In the wind

Question 9: Which of the following options is NOT part of a noun phrase?

  1. Adjective
  2. Determiner
  3. Verb
  4. Noun

Question 10: Identify the noun phrase in the following sentence: “The tall trees swayed in the wind.”

  1. The tall
  2. Swayed in the wind
  3. The tall trees
  4. In the wind

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