
Noun for Class 9

Here, we are going to explore the Nouns for class 9 with reference to Definition, explanation, types, examples and few worksheets regarding noun at the end. Moreover, you can get access to free pdf download of noun for class 7.So, firstly let’s begin with the definition of noun:

Noun Definition

Noun is generally defined as the name of the person, animal, place or thing. It could be named as a thought, a feeling, a value, a state, etc. 

  • A person: man, woman, Ram, Sita, student, singer, etc.
  • A place: home, office, town, Korea,  America, Japan, forest,  etc.
  • A thing: table, chair, bike, car, guava, money, music, love, dog, cat etc.
  • An animal: cat, dog, elephant, lion, deer, duck, monkey etc.


  1. Krishna (person) is my friend.
  2. I am a student (person) of 7th class.
  3. Woman (person) has equal rights as men. 
  4. India (place) is known to be second most populated county after china.
  5. I live in town (place).
  6. I am going to office (place).
  7. Music (thing) has an intense impact on human brain.

Types of Noun for Class 9

There are various types of noun written below:

  1. Common noun
  2. Proper noun
  3. Collective noun
  4. Abstract noun
  5. Countable noun
  6. Uncountable noun
  7. Singular noun
  8. Plural noun
  9. Masculine noun
  10. Feminine noun
  11. Nominative case
  12. Objective case
  13. Possessive Case

Let’s elaborate each of them in detail with respect to appropriate example.

1. Common Noun

A common noun is a kind of noun or word that refers to common objects, places, people, and animals where they don’t have an accurate name. Generally, it is known to be common term that implies to name common people, places, animals, persons, ideas, things, objects, etc.

There are sort of examples:

  • Humans- female, male, child, grandmother, grandfather, uncle, aunt, etc.
  • Animals- lion, tiger, buffalo, elephant, dog, cat, rat, horse, etc.
  • Places- College, school, hospital, country, shop, office, house, etc.
  • Ideas– truth, expression, feeling, lie, grief, etc.
  • Objects– stationary, pen, pencil, table, chair, curtains, flower, etc.

Some more examples in sentence lets discuss below:-

  1. Many girls moved to the city.
  2. Give me a pen to write with.
  3. You should always speak the truth.
  4. Your hairs are stunning.
  5. Please close the door.
  6. Last week I went to my hometown.
  7. You must have some unique idea about that.

As, we can see girls, pen, truth, hairs, door, hometown, idea mentioned above in sentences are examples of common noun respectively.

2. Proper Noun

Proper nouns are definite kind of nouns that are popularly known as Proper names. Whereas common nouns embark on with a lowercase letter noun or word, and proper nouns embark on with a capital letter noun or word.

 There are some examples given below:

  • Name of people– Riya, Sita, Shyam, Ram, etc.
  • Name of places– Delhi, Jammu, Kashmir, Mumbai, Bangalore, Punjab, etc.
  • Name of months- January, February, March, April, etc.
  • Name of car- Range rover, Swift, Bugatti, Tata, etc.
  • Name of brands– Nike, Zara, Adidas, Arctic fox, Lakme, etc.

Let’s discuss some examples in sentences.

  1. Last weekend I went to Jammu .
  2. This Monday will be holiday.
  3. Krishna is my friend.
  4. Zara is a well-known brand of clothes.
  5. I drive Tata car.

As we can see Jammu, Monday, Krishna, Zara, and Tata mentioned above are the specific or proper names of place, day, name, and brand respectively. 

3. Collective Noun

A Collective noun is the kind of noun that refers to a single word that is used to represent a group of people, animals, or things. There are some examples of collective noun written below:

  •  For Animal- a fleet of sheep, a swarm of bees, a flock of birds, a pack of wolves, a pride of lions, a flight of birds.
  •  For People- a team of players, a band of musicians, a troop of warriors, an army of soldiers, a group of dancers, a choir of singers, a board of directors, a body of men.
  • For Object- a bunch of rubber, deck of cards, a packet of chips, range of mountains a loaf of bread a forest of trees a library of books.

Let’s discuss collective noun examples in sentences:

  1. Indian army gets praised for their performance in the world war.
  2. I have a bunch of rubbers.
  3. Can you buy me a packet of chips?
  4. There is a range of mountains on the way to Himalayas.
  5. This month a K-pop musician band is expected to come to India.

As, we can see army, bunch, packet, range, and band mentioned above are examples of collective nouns for animals, people, and objects respectively.

4. Abstract Noun

An abstract noun is used to refer to those concepts, ideas, experiences, and feelings that cannot be seen, heard, tasted, smelled, or touched. Abstract nouns are not of tangible nature.

There are some examples of abstract noun written below:

  • Beauty
  • Hate
  • confidence
  • Honor
  • Courage
  • Love
  • Truth
  • Honesty
  • Symbolism
  • patriotism
  • Reflection
  • Grief
  • Chaos
  • Friendship
  • Curiosity
  • Rumor
  • Education
  • Calmness
  • Dedication
  • Honor
  • Intelligence
  • Maturity
  • Power
  • Strength
  • Weakness
  • Talent
  • Wisdom
  • Envy
  • values
  • Patience
  • Kindness
  • Hope
  • Infatuation
  • Insanity

Let’s discuss more examples of abstract nouns in sentences.

  1. Honesty is the best policy.
  2. Facts are many but the truth is one.
  3. You should never lose hope.
  4.  Patience is the key to success.
  5. Nowadays Kindness is hard to find.
  6. It’s an honor to be here.
  7. Knowledge is the most powerful weapon.
  8. That girl is beautiful .

As, we can see honesty, truth, hope, patience, kindness, honor, knowledge, and beautiful mentioned above are examples of quality, emotion, and ideas or concepts of abstract nouns respectively.

Before we proceed further here is a worksheet given below in which you need to identify the common, proper, abstract, and collective noun in each sentence:-

Noun Worksheet for Class 9

(Proper, Common, Collective, And Abstract)

Here you need to identify the common noun, proper noun, abstract noun and collective noun from the following sentences written below:

  1. A dog need some food. 
  2. Can you pass me the set of tools?
  3. The leader reminds us to be powerful.
  4. Ram wants to visit the Himalayas. 
  5. Haryana is the capital of Punjab.
  6. Lion is known as of king of the forest.
  7. A band of musicians is going to organize their music concert.
  8. Strawberry is red in colour.
  9. Shyam is not good at studies.
  10. Manali is a good place to visit.


  1. dog – common noun, food – common noun
  2. A set of tools – collective noun
  3. leader– common noun, powerful – abstract noun
  4. Ram – proper noun, Himalayas – proper noun
  5. Punjab – proper noun, Haryana – proper noun
  6. lion – proper noun, king – abstract noun
  7. A band of musicians – collective noun, music – common noun
  8. Strawberry – proper noun
  9. Good – abstract noun, Shyam proper noun
  10. Manali – proper noun, good– abstract noun

5. Countable Noun

The nouns like countries, rivers, persons, and class can be counted so they are called countable nouns.  Generally, a noun that can be measured or counted in numbers is categorized as a countable noun. Most of the common and collective nouns are countable.

There are a few examples listed below:

  • Pen
  • Pencil
  • Paper 
  • Box
  • Candies
  • Stick
  • Country
  • State
  • Restaurant
  • Photo
  • Table
  • Chairs
  • Cup
  • Bottle
  • Dog
  • Apple
  • Cat
  • candles

Let’s discuss more examples of countable nouns in sentences.

  1. There are twenty-six restaurants in this state.
  2. Can you pass me that book?
  3. Ram took a lot of photos as he went to Korea.
  4. I have two cats at my home.
  5. I need two pens for the exam.

As we can see restaurants, book, photos, cats, and pens mentioned above are examples of countable nouns as they all can be counted in numbers.

6. Uncountable Noun

Noun like India, Ram, Delhi, or names of particular person or things is called uncountable or uncounted noun. Generally, the nouns which cannot be counted or measured are categorized as uncountable nouns. Proper nouns are uncountable nouns.

There are a few examples listed below:

  • Wood
  • Milk 
  • Tea
  • Ink
  • Gas
  • Copper
  • Delhi
  • Ram
  • Clay
  • Garbage
  • Advice
  • Cheese
  • Intelligence
  • Kindness
  • Pride
  • Beauty
  • Pain

Let’s discuss some more examples in sentences:

  1. There is a shortage of water in pool.
  2. I need a glass of milk.
  3. Today’s youngsters seek more advice than before.
  4. Serve yourself some cheese.
  5. She has good intelligence.

As we can see water, milk, advice, cheese, and intelligence mentioned above are examples of the uncountable nouns as they all cannot be measured or counted.

Before we proceed there is a worksheet given below in which you need to identify countable and uncountable noun in each sentence:

Noun Worksheet for Class 9

Identify noun as Countable Noun or Uncountable Noun

  1. The children love to have fun.
  2. Please be careful afterwards as the water is deep.
  3. The parade will include truck and cars.
  4. I need large bottles of mineral water as they store more water than others.
  5. My mother uses braded cheese and butter as she’s so health concerned.
  6. How many politicians does it take to pass a simple law?
  7. As to keep ourselves healthy milk should be included in breakfast
  8. Most pottery is made of clay.
  9. Ram can play numerous different musical instruments.
  10. I was feeling so stressed that I ate an entire box of dark chocolates as they are good to release stress.


  1.  child – Countable, love – uncountable noun
  2.  water – Uncountable noun
  3.  truck and car– Countable noun
  4.  bottle – Countable noun
  5.  cheese and butter – Uncountable noun
  6.  politicians – Countable noun
  7.  milk – Uncountable noun
  8.  clay – Uncountable noun
  9.  instruments– Countable noun
  10.  chocolate – Countable noun

7. Singular Noun

Noun such as a dog, cat and house that refers to a one person, animal or thing are called Singular noun. Generally the nouns which refer to single object and person are categorized as singular noun.

There are some examples of singular noun written below:

  •  a baby
  • an apple
  • a house
  • a cat
  • a cow
  • a city
  • a song
  • a computer
  • a phone
  • a tree
  • a bag
  • a cap
  • a pen
  • a pencil
  • a notebook
  • a car
  • a bike
  • a truck
  • a song 
  • a photo
  • a flower
  • a board
  • a cup
  • a frame
  • a room
  • a glass
  • a phone
  • a book
  • a paper
  • a city 
  • a country
  • a cycle
  • a bottle
  • a clip
  • a lunch
  • a doormat
  • a bangle
  • a candy
  • a packet
  • a laptop

Let’s discuss some more examples of singular noun in sentences:

  1. Can you pass me a glass of water?
  2. I have a house in Delhi.
  3. To write down the notes I would need a notepad .
  4. I always keep a bottle of water with me. 
  5. I don’t have a car.

As you can see a glass, a house, a notepad, a bottle and a car mentioned above are example of a singular nouns as they are referring to a single person or thing.

8. Plural Noun

 Nouns such as cats, dogs, and houses refer to a noun that includes more than one of particular nouns. Generally, the Plural form is the non-singular form of nouns and pronouns. The plural form means to more than one of a particular noun, whereas the singular form refers to a single noun.

There are some basic examples of plural nouns listed below:

  • trees
  • lakes
  • movies
  • umbrellas
  • candies
  • girls
  • dogs 
  • cats
  • houses
  • candies
  • sweets
  • plates
  • notebooks
  • jars
  • flowers
  • cards
  • clothes
  • wires
  • files
  • butterflies
  • birds
  • songs
  • papers
  • pens
  • doors
  • bottles
  • snacks
  • burgers
  • computers
  • entries

For most nouns, “s” is added at the end of the sentence to form the plural form.

For example:

  1. dog – dogs  
  2. cat – cats
  3. tree – trees
  4. house – houses
  5. flower – flowers 

When the word ends at “y,” the “y” is dropped and “ies” is added to the end of the word to form the plural form.

For example:

  1. Story – stories
  2. butterfly – butterflies
  3. laundry – laundries
  4. company – companies

Let’s discuss more examples of plural noun in sentences:

  1. I had heard many of stories related to vampires.
  2. There are a bunch of Grapes.
  3. Most of the companies are related to consumer good  
  4. A forest consist of so many trees. 
  5. We have sets of computers in our floor.
  6. Mathematics is considered to be the toughest subject.

As we can see stories, grapes, companies, trees, computers and mathematics mentioned above are the example of plural noun as they refers to two or more persons, objects or things.

Before we proceed here is a worksheet given below in which you need to write the singular or plural noun form of bold words in each sentence:-

Noun Worksheet for Class 9

Change the Singular noun to a Plural noun.

  1. The old man went to the dentist to repair his teeth.
  2. Children are scared of the dog and straightly ran away from the street whenever come across them.
  3. The servant washed the dishes of the house.
  4.  Your book was kept in her room.
  5. I have a green color water bottle.
  6. The servant is picking flowers from the pot.
  7. The passer-by was attacked by an army.
  8. A person killed a mouse in the while.
  9. This pizza was prepared in the hotel.
  10. A bunch of butterflies sticks to a white rose.


  1. Teeth – tooth
  2. Dog – dogs, children – child 
  3. Dishes – dishes 
  4. Book – books 
  5. Bottle – bottles 
  6. flower – flowers
  7. Army – armies
  8. mouse – mice
  9. This – These
  10. Butterflies – butterfly

9. Masculine Noun

Noun such as father, brother and grandfather that refers to male is called masculine noun. Generally, the word masculine means male, so all the words with male gender, which could be a person’s name, an animal’s name, orbird’s name, that’s all categorized under masculine nouns.

There are some basic examples of masculine nouns listed below:

  • Boy
  • Father
  • Grandfather
  • Husband
  • Nephew
  • king

Let’s discuss some more examples of a masculine nouns in sentences.

  1. My father is my inspiration.
  2. My son went to Mussoorie for his vacation.
  3. My grandfather was the great singer of his times.
  4. Her husband died in an accident.
  5. Loin is known to be the king of forest.
  6. That boy sitting at last is not good in academics.

As we can see father, son, grandfather, husband, king and boy mentioned above are the examples of masculine noun as they all are of male nature or gender.

10. Feminine Noun

Nouns that refer to female is called Feminine noun. It is the opposite of masculine. All the words with female gender, which could be a person’s name, an animal’s name, orbird’s name, that’s all categorized under feminine nouns.

There are some basic examples of feminine nouns listed below:

  • Mother
  • Sister
  • Grandmother
  • Girl
  • Niece
  • Queen

Let’s discuss some more examples of feminine noun in sentences:-

  1. My mother (feminine noun) is a homemaker.
  2. My sister (feminine noun) is good at academics.
  3. A girl (feminine noun) hold topped rank this year.
  4. Queen (feminine noun) Elizabeth is so gracious personality.
  5. My grandmother (feminine noun) was the great speaker of her times.

As we can see mother, sister, girl, queen and grandmother mentioned above are the example of feminine noun as they all are of female nature and gender.

11. Common Gender Noun

Noun such as doctor, friend, owner and teacher are noun that belong to both males and females are known as Common Noun. Generally the noun that refers to both the genders (males and female) is categorized as common noun.

There are some examples of common nouns listed below:

  • Teacher 
  • Doctor
  • Friend
  • Chef
  • Singer
  • Artist
  • painter
  • Dancer
  • Owner
  • Dealer
  • Servant
  • Guard
  • Soldier
  • Actor
  • Writer
  • Photographer
  • Secretary
  • Officer
  • Manager
  • Deer
  • Cousin
  • Dentist
  • Director
  • Enemy
  • Employee
  • Guest
  • Minister
  • Neighbor
  • President
  • Student
  • Worker
  • Relative
  • Tutor
  • Passenger

Let’s discuss some more examples of common noun in sentences:

  1. My Physics teacher is good at explaining concepts.
  2. A great manager should possess patience to succeed in long run.
  3. Tomorrow one of my relative could arrive.
  4. Today my servant got late for work.
  5. Student needs to be focused to build up bright future.

As we can see teacher, manager, relative, servant and student mentioned above are the example of common noun as they belong to common gender, we cannot say whether they are of male or female gender.

Before we proceed there is a worksheet given below in which you need to rewrite the bold words to opposite gender in each sentence.

Noun Worksheet for Class 9

Rephrase the bold noun words in each sentence into their opposites noun.

  1. The mouse gets killed by a man.
  2. my daughter went to America for some business purpose  
  3. The governess inwards at the administrative center.
  4. The owner called a man-servant to mop the floor.
  5. The queen congratulates the Olympic gold medalist.
  6. The princess wears a glittery gown to draw attention. 
  7. The master of the buffet asked the waiter to slant the table.
  8. We went to hospital when my sister was suffering from typhoid.
  9. The lion was searching for his haunters in the jungles.
  10. The anchor on India TV news changed last month.


  1. Mice, woman
  2. son
  3. Governor
  4.  maid-servant
  5. queen
  6. prince
  7. Mistress, waitress
  8. brother
  9. Lioness, her
  10. Anchor

12. Nominative Case

When a noun is used as the subject of the verb it is said to be a normative case.

There are few examples of normative case written below:

  1. Ram ate a candy.
    (Here Ram is a noun subject in nominative case)
  2. We walked to canteen.
    (Here We is a pronoun subject in nominative case)
  3.  Ram and Shyam bought a box of sweets.
    (Here, Ram and shyam is a noun subjects in nominative case)
  4. Mother made coffee for her son.
    (Here, coffee is a noun subject in nominative case)
  5. The dog got killed by a car last week.
    (Here, dog is a noun subject in nominative case)

As we can see Ram, We, Ram and Shyam, coffee and dog mentioned above are the examples of the nominative noun as they all are a noun subject to nominative case.

13. Objective Case

When the noun is used as an object of the verb is said to be objective noun.

There are few examples of objective noun written below:

  1. I have met Ram.
     (Here, ram is the noun objective in verb)
  2. I have met him.
     (Here, him is the noun objective in verb)
  3. The doctor is taking care of Alice.
    (Here, Alice is the noun objective in verb)
  4. The nurse is taking care of her.
    (Here, her is the noun objective in verb)
  5. The teacher is teaching her students.
    (Here, her is the noun objective in verb)
  6. The teacher is teaching him.
    (Here, him is the noun objective in verb)
  7. Kook is portraying a post.
    (Here, post is the noun objective in verb)
  8. My mother is coming to meet me.
    (Here, me is the noun objective in verb)
  9. The musician is singing a song.
    (Here, song is the noun objective in verb)

As we can see ram, him, Alice, her, her, him, post, me and song mentioned above are the example of objective noun as they all are the noun objective in the verb.

14. Possesive Noun

The noun that shows possessive or they indicates to something is called possessive case Generally It is indicated by raised comma like (‘) which known as an apostrophe mark. In singular nouns, plural nouns ending without‘s’ and for living things, we add (‘s) to show possessive. Plural nouns that end with -s we only use (‘) to show possession

There are few examples of possessive noun listed below:

  • Rita’s book 
  • Farmer’s crops
  • Student’s id card
  • Uncle‘s wallet
  • mother‘s bag

Let’s discuss some more examples of possessive case in sentences written below:

  1. This is Ram’s car.
    (Here, ram’s is a noun that shows possessive or indicating to something)
  2. This is her dress.
    (Here, her is a noun that shows possessive or indicating to something)
  3. Shyam’s name is not written here.
    (Here, Shyam’s is a noun that shows possessive or indicating to something)
  4. His name is not written here.
    (Here, his is a noun that shows possessive or indicating to something)
  5. Is this your pen?
    (Here, your is a noun that shows possessive or indicating to something)
  6. What is your favorite color?
    (Here, your is a noun that shows possessive or indicating to something)
  7. This is Ram’s house.
    (Here, ram’s is a noun that shows possessive or indicating to something)
  8. This is her bag.
    (Here, her is a noun that shows possessive or indicating to something)
  9. This assignment is Shyam’s.
    (Here, shyam’s is a noun that shows possessive or indicating to something)
  10. This is her assignment.
    (Here, shyam’s is a noun that shows possessive or indicating to something)
  11. Is Sam your cousin?
    (Here, shyam’s is a noun that shows possessive or indicating to something)

As we can see ram’s, her, Shyam’s, his, your, your, ram’s, her, Shyam’s, her and your are the examples of possessive case as they all are showing possessive and indicating to something.

Noun Worksheet for Class 9

(Nominative, Objective, and Possesive Case)

Here, you need to identify the appropriate case in each sentence given below:

  1.  Central minister is going to visit the state today.
  2. Sweets smell so good.
  3. The teacher teaches the student in the class.
  4. Rita is busy with her school’s work.
  5. The police will talk to the criminal later.
  6. Sita decorates the house delightfully.
  7. Rita’s decision can’t be easily changed.
  8. Ravi is listening to Korean pop’s music.
  9.  Captain gave a red card to the weak player.
  10. The girls’ houses are well-maintained and beautiful.


  1. Central ministers – Nominative case
  2. Sweets – Nominative case
  3. Teacher, student – Nominative case
  4. Rita – Nominative case, School’s- possessive case
  5. Police – Nominative case, criminal – possessive case
  6. Sita – Nominative case, the house- Object case
  7. Rita’s – possessive case
  8. Aavi – Nominative case, Korean pop’s- possessive case
  9. Captain – Nominative case, player- object case
  10. Girls– possessive case.

Also read: Story writing

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