
Noun Clause Examples, Definition, Exercises, Worksheet

If you are looking for a noun clause with examples, here you will get everything about the meaning of a noun clause and its examples. You will be able to understand the topic easily. Here you will learn to use a noun clause in different aspects. like a noun clause as subjects, a noun clause as objects, a noun clause, and a relative clause with their examples. Here the topics and concepts are explained in a meaningful manner so that all your doubts go away.
If you are a teacher or a parent, you can take advantage from here.  You can take examples, exercises, and worksheets from here to make your students or children learn, respectively.  

What is a Noun Clause?

A noun clause is a dependent clause that functions as a noun in a sentence. It cannot stand alone as a sentence. A noun clause can act as a subject, object, or complement within a sentence.
Noun clauses typically begin with subordinating conjunctions like “that,” “whether,” and “if,” or relative pronouns like “who,” “whom,” “what,” and “which.”

Noun clause examples

  1. What you said surprised everyone.
  2. I don’t know if she will come to the party.
  3. That he won the award is a big deal.
  4. She believes that honesty is the best policy.
  5. Whether we will succeed depends on our efforts.

Noun clauses can act as a variety of grammatical functions. They can act as subjects, objects, appositives, and subject complements.

Noun clause as subjects

A noun clause can act as a subject in a sentence. It provides the main idea of what the sentence is about. When a noun clause acts as a subject, it often begins with words like “that,” “whether,” “what,” or “who.” Here are some noun clause examples as subject examples, which you should learn to have a good knowledge of noun clauses.

Noun clause as subject examples

  1. What you think is important to me.
  2. That she won the competition surprised everyone.
  3. Whether he can attend remains uncertain.
  4. How we solve this problem is up to the team.
  5. Whoever finishes first will receive a prize.

Noun clauses as objects

A noun clause can act as the object of a verb or a preposition in a sentence. When a noun clause acts as an object, it usually provides additional information about the action of the verb.

A noun clause can act as a direct object in a sentence, receiving the action of the verb.

Noun clause as direct object examples

  1. She believes that he will succeed.
  2. I can’t understand why she left early.
  3. He forgot that the meeting was rescheduled.
  4. They announced that the event was canceled.
  5. The coach praised how well the team performed.

A noun clause can also act as an indirect object, indicating the recipient of the action done.

Noun clause as indirect object examples

  1. I will give whoever wants it my old bicycle.
  2. She offered whichever option seemed best to the committee.
  3. The teacher assigned whoever finishes the first extra credit.
  4. We told whoever needed help to ask us.
  5. They granted that everyone should have a chance to speak.

A noun clause can function as the object of a preposition also, providing additional information about the preposition in the sentence.

Noun clause as prepositional object examples

  1. She is interested in what you have to say.
  2. The decision depends on whether we can finish on time.
  3. They talked about how the project would be completed.
  4. I have a question about why the deadline was changed.
  5. We were excited that he won the championship.

Noun clause as a subject complement

A noun clause can function as a predicate nominative, which is also known as a subject complement. It follows a linking verb like “is,” “are,” “was,” and “were” and provides additional information about the subject. Let’s see some examples of a noun clause as a subject complement here and grasp more knowledge.

Noun clause as a predicate nominative examples

  1. The truth is that she has been working here for five years.
  2. My biggest fear is that I will fail the exam.
  3. The problem is whether we can find a solution in time.
  4. He believes that hard work leads to success.
  5. The issue remains how we can improve our teamwork.

Noun clause as appositive

A noun clause can function as an appositive. An appositive renames or explains the noun it follows. See some examples to get a better understanding:

Noun clause as appositive examples

  1. The idea that we should collaborate more was well-received by the team.
  2. She suggested that we meet earlier, which was accepted by everyone.
  3. The fact that he won the award surprised all of us.
  4. The rumor that the concert is canceled spread quickly.
  5. His belief that everyone deserves a second chance inspires many.

Noun clause vs. Relative clause

A noun clause is a dependent clause that functions as a noun within a sentence. It can act as a subject, direct object, indirect object, or subject complement. For example, in the sentence “What you decide is important,” the noun clause “What you decide” acts as the subject. Noun clauses often begin with subordinating conjunctions like “that,” “if,” or “whether,” as well as interrogative words such as “who,” “what,” or “how.”

Whereas a relative clause is a type of dependent clause that modifies a noun, providing additional information about it. For example, in the sentence “The book that I borrowed is fascinating,” the relative clause “that I borrowed” specifies which book is being discussed. Relative clauses are typically introduced by relative pronouns such as “who,” “whom,” “whose,” “which,” or “that.” They can be restrictive or non-restrictive, providing extra information that could be omitted without changing the sentence’s overall meaning.

Examples of Noun clauseExamples of Relative clause
1.What she decided was surprising.The book that she read was fascinating.
2.I wonder if he will come to the party.The teacher who teaches math is on leave.
3.The fact that it rained surprised us. I don’t understand the concept that you explained.
4.She doesn’t know what he means. The movie that won the award is playing tonight.
5.Whether we can go depends on the weather.The student whose project was praised is here.

Noun Clause | Exercise

Question 1: Read the following sentences and underline the noun clauses.

  1. I don’t know if she will come to the party.
  2. The best part is that we will finally meet again.
  3. What you think is very important to me.
  4. She wondered whether he would accept the offer.
  5. How he managed to win is a mystery to everyone.


  1. I don’t know if she will come to the party.
  2. The best part is that we will finally meet again.
  3. What you think is very important to me.
  4. She wondered whether he would accept the offer.
  5. How he managed to win is a mystery to everyone.

Question 2: Complete the following sentences with appropriate noun clauses.

  1. I am not sure _______ (whether he will join us).
  2. The main point is _______ (that we need to stay focused).
  3. She asked _______ (what he meant by that).
  4. His claim was _______ (that he could finish the work by tomorrow).
  5. We all agreed _______ (that teamwork is essential).


  1. I am not sure whether he will join us.
  2. The main point is that we need to stay focused.
  3. She asked what he meant by that.
  4. His claim was that he could finish the work by tomorrow.
  5. We all agreed that teamwork is essential.

Noun Clause | Worksheet

Question 1: Match each sentence on the left with the correct noun clause on the right.

SentenceNoun Clause
1. I cannot believe…A. that you forgot your homework.
2. The problem is…B. whether he will come to the party.
3. She wants to know…C. what she said yesterday.
4. The truth is…D. that we need to leave soon.
5. It’s unclear…E. what the results of the test are.

Question 2: Unscramble the words to form a correct sentence with a noun clause.

  1. whether / I / is / the project / completed / on time / will /
  2. important / it / that / clear / we / work together / is /
  3. he / know / does / what / understand / not / she / about /
  4. whether / unclear / is / the decision / to move forward / they / will /
  5. think / I / that / you / is / valuable / your input /

Question 3: Identify whether the following sentences contain a noun clause as a subject, object, or complement. Fill in the table accordingly.

SentenceNoun ClauseType
1. What she wants is still a mystery.
2. They didn’t know that the meeting was canceled.
3. Whether we can finish on time is uncertain.
4. She explained how she solved the problem.
5. I doubt if they will attend the event.

Question 4: Read the following sentences and underline the noun clauses.

  1. I can’t believe that you won the competition.
  2. What she said made everyone happy.
  3. He didn’t know if the meeting was canceled.
  4. The important thing is that we stay focused.
  5. Whether they will come is still uncertain.

Question 5: Using the prompts provided, write your own sentences that include a noun clause.

  1. What you need to remember
    Example: __________________________________________________
  2. If we can finish on time
    Example: __________________________________________________
  3. That they are leaving for vacation
    Example: __________________________________________________
  4. Why he chose that job
    Example: __________________________________________________
  5. How she solved the problem
    Example: __________________________________________________

Question 6: Transform the following sentences by replacing the underlined noun with a noun clause.

  1. The fact is interesting.
  2. I don’t know the answer.
  3. His suggestion is helpful.
  4. Her promise was reassuring.
  5. The reason for his absence is unknown.

Question 7: What is a noun clause?

  1. A clause that describes a noun.
  2. A clause that acts as a noun in a sentence.
  3. A type of adjective clause.
  4. A clause that modifies a verb.

Question 8: Which of the following sentences contains a noun clause?

  1. The cat slept on the mat.
  2. She is reading a book.
  3. I don’t know what you mean.
  4. They went to the store.

Question 9: In the sentence “The fact that he passed the exam surprised everyone,” what role does the noun clause play?

  1. Subject
  2. Direct Object
  3. Predicate Nominative
  4. Appositive

Question 10: Which of the following is an example of a noun clause used as a subject?

  1. She wondered if he would come.
  2. The teacher explained how to solve the problem.
  3. That he is leaving is disappointing.
  4. I asked him what he wanted.

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