
Modals for class 7, Types, Examples, Worksheets With Answer

In this article, you will learn all about the different types of modals for class 7 and how to use them. You will also find examples and worksheets of modals that will help you in your exam practice.

Definition of modals for class 7:-  Modals are an exceptional gathering of  verbs, Which are used to specific sure meanings like (expression, permission, capability, notion possibility, necessity, Suggestion, etc.)

Some of the crucial modals are:–  can, could, may, must, shall, should, ought to, will, would, need to, etc.

Examples of Modals for Class 7 

  1. May I go to the washroom?
    (Asking for permission)
  2. He can speak many languages.
    (Ability of the person)
  3. It may rain today.
    (Possibility of an event)
  4. You should finish your homework.
  5. Can you pass me the salt?

Types of Modals:-

1. Permission Asking Modals:-

  • May
  • Might
  • Can
  • Could


Used for (asking or giving permission with uncertainty and wishes.)

  1. May I take your pencil?
  2. May I go to the party?
  3. May I ask a question, please?
  4. May we enter the room?
  5. You may go now.
  6. You may leave the class.
  7. She may buy a new dress.
  8. You may begin now.
  9. May god bless you.
  10. May she be the topper this year.


Used as a past-tense form of may for ( asking or giving permission with uncertainty.)

  1. She might get late today.
  2. My wallet might be in my room.
  3. He might go to school today.
  4. We might not come to the party.
  5. She might buy that dress.
  6. They might be reached later.
  7. There might be some food left for you in the fridge.
  8. Johan might get hurt by hockey.
  9. It might rain today.
  10. I might win a lucky draw.


Used for possibility, ability, asking permission, or giving order with certainty.

  1. Can I leave? (asking permission)
  2. Can you pass me the ketchup? (asking permission)
  3. Can you shut the door.? (asking permission)
  4. Harry can drive a truck. (ability)
  5. I can do this easily. (ability)
  6. Can you see the moon between clouds? (possibility)
  7. Overspeeding can be dangerous. (possibility)
  8. You can not sit somewhere else. (order)
  9. You can not pluck flowers from the garden. (order)
  10. Can you be silent? (order)


Used as a past-tense form of  ‘can’ for (possibility, ability, or making a request.)

  1. Could you make some pasta? ( past possibility )
  2. Could you post that mail for me? ( past possibility )
  3. Could you pass me the salt, please? ( past possibility )
  4. Could she help me then? ( past possibility)
  5. My grandfather could swim when he was young. ( past ability )
  6. My brother could climb the trees. ( past ability )
  7. He could not read. ( past ability )
  8. Last night we could not open the door. ( past ability )
  9. Could you find the keys.? ( requested in past )
  10. Could you bring my medicines? ( requested in past )

2. Modals to expressing suggestions:

  • Shall
  • Should
  • Ought to
  • Must


Used to express/ask for future action and suggestions.

  1. I shall have to be at the function by 6 pm.
  2. We shall have to tell mother what happened.
  3. Shall I bathe?
  4. What shall he do with it?
  5. Shall I visit again on Monday?
  6. The gate shall be closed.
  7. Teenagers shall not come here.
  8. Shall we run?
  9. Shall we wash our hands before eating?
  10. We shall go to school tomorrow.


Used to give/ask advice, and make recommendations, obligations, and expectations.

  1. You should apologize to her.
  2. You should finish your food on time.
  3. She should start her day early.
  4. He should finish the homework on time.
  5. You should eat healthily.
  6. You should plant a tree every month.
  7. You should watch science fiction movies.
  8. Should I call the police?
  9. The market should be less crowded on Monday.
  10. I should not think so.

Ought to:-

Used about the thing which are Ideal and desired.

  1. You ought to obey your elders.
  2. She ought to eat green vegetables.
  3. You ought to reach on time.
  4. We ought to be punctual.
  5. He ought to make his bed.
  6. You ought to leave now.
  7. We ought to listen to the recording carefully.
  8. Lucy ought to be a bit humble to their neighbors.
  9. We ought to be nicer to stray animals.
  10. Tom ought to be there by now.


Used to express obligation, giving positive and firm orders.

  1. You must follow the rules.
  2. You must finish your food.
  3. He must apologize for his deeds.
  4. We must stand for the national anthem.
  5. The fruits must not be eaten it has gone rot.
  6. Student must learn their lesson.
  7. We must fight for our nation.
  8. We must not eat so much junk food.
  9. The public must follow traffic rules.
  10. Everyone must wear a helmet while riding a bike.

Exercises on Modals for Class 7

It is important to understand the different types of modals and use them correctly. Here are a few exercises on modals for class 7, that you can do to prepare for your upcoming exams.

Exercise of Modals with Answer

Worksheet 1. Choose the correct forms of modal and fill in the blanks.

  1. You _____ (must/may) listen to your parents.
  2. You ______ (could/should) wait here.
  3. I ______ ( may/might) do this.
  4. I ______ (may/can) go to the bathroom?
  5. You ______ (should/could) drink milk.
  6. ______ (can/may) you help me.
  7. ______ (must/may) god bless you,
  8. You ______ (can/may) go now.
  9. Mr. Donald ______( should/can) speak politely.
  10. Museum _____ (must/can) be open on Sunday.


  1. Must
  2. Should
  3. May
  4. May
  5. Should
  6. Can
  7. May
  8. May
  9. Should
  10. Can

Worksheet 2. Fill in the blanks with suitable modals.

  1. Carry an umbrella. It ______ rain later. (should, might)
  2. I ____ speak English, Hindi, and French. (may, can)
  3. ______ you enjoy a happy life. (must, may)
  4. We ______ to be careful while driving. (ought to, can)
  5. Till last year, I ______ not read with glasses. (should, could)
  6. We _____ reach on time. (might, must)
  7. People with high cholesterol _______ eat low-fat food. (should, might)
  8. We took a wrong turn. That man ______ told us the wrong directions. (should, might)
  9. We _______ respect our elders. (might, should)
  10. ______ you pay the bill? (can, should)


  1. Might
  2. Can
  3. May
  4. Ought to
  5. Could
  6. Must
  7. Should
  8. Might
  9. Should
  10. Can

10 thoughts on “Modals for class 7, Types, Examples, Worksheets With Answer”

  1. Hey! Thankyou for visiting our website. This blog is related to Modals for class 7, Types, Examples, Worksheets With Answer. If you have any feedback or queries related to this blog then please comment below.

  2. Valle Shankar Reddy

    Thank you
    This made me understand more about modlas. Please make more
    Worksheets like this 😊😊

    1. Thank you! I’m glad I could help you understand models better. I’ll make more worksheets like this in the future. Your feedback means a lot! 😊

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