
Modals for Class 3, Uses, Examples, Worksheets With Answers and Free PDF

Definition of modals for class 3: There are various auxiliary verbs such as can, could, may, might need, should, must, dare, etc also called modal verbs.

Uses of Modals for Class 3 With Examples

1. Uses of Can

‘ Can ”is used to express permission and ability in a sentence, Here are some of the basic examples given below.

Example of  “Can”

  1. I can win the final match now
  2. You can lift heavy weights easily.
  3. A leader can create a positive atmosphere.
  4. You can do that without any hesitation.
  5. I can solve this question myself.

2. Uses 0f could

‘ Could ” is used to express permission and ability in the past, Here are some of the basic examples given below.

Example of Could

  1. I could save him from drowning
  2. We could cover this syllabus on time.
  3. You could understand this concept easily.
  4. I could make him understand yesterday.
  5. Ram could cross this river alone.

3. Uses of May

May is used to expressing permission, politeness, possibility, etc in the present, Here are some of the basic examples given below.

Example of May

  1. You may sit there now.
  2. May I talk to you for a minute?
  3. She may complete this work today.
  4. You may follow the traffic rules
  5. I may assist you in this work.

4. Uses of Might

‘ Might ”is used to express possibility in the past, Here are some of the basic examples given below.

Example of Might

  1. He might be a loyal person.
  2. She might be confused about her decision.
  3. She ran fast so that she might board the bus.
  4. I studied so that I might pass my exams.
  5. He worked very hard so that he might succeed.

5. Uses of Need

‘ Need ” is used to express a need. Here are some of the basic examples given below.

Examples of Need

  1. I need a laptop to maintain data.
  2. She needs a bag to carry lunch.
  3. I need to be there on time.
  4. You need to think about this.
  5. I need to improve my handwriting.

6. Uses of Should

‘ Should ”is used to express a suggestion or advice in a sentence. Here are some examples given below.

Example of Should

  1. I should focus on my studies.
  2. You should obey your parents.
  3. We should respect everyone.
  4. You should give your best in your work.
  5. I should follow my passion now.

7. Uses of Must

‘ Must ” is used to show that it is necessary or strict advice in a sentence. Here are some examples given below.

Example of Must

  1. You must be there before 5 pm today.
  2. I must understand my duty now.
  3. We must make the right utilize of our time.
  4. You must achieve your target this month.
  5. I must try my best to stand first in my class.

8. Use of Dare

‘ Dare ”is used in both terms, as the main verb, and as a modal verb. It is used to be brave enough to do something. Here are some examples given below.

Example of Dare

  1. I dare not face him now.
  2. How dare you say that about me?
  3. You dare not argue with him.
  4. I dare to challenge him now.
  5. she dares to face troubles.

Modal verbs List

  • Will
  • would
  • shall
  • should
  • can
  • could
  • may
  • might
  • ought to
  • need
  • dare,
  • used to
  • must

Worksheet on Modals for Class 3

Worksheet 1: Fill in the blanks with an appropriate modal verb.

  1. I______ focus on my career now.
  2. You______ respect your elders.
  3. We______  defeat him in the competition.
  4. It______ rain heavily today.
  5. He studied so that he______ pass his exams.
  6. India______ win the final match yesterday.
  7. I______ assist you in your work.
  8. Government______ focus on the development of the country.
  9. I______ to buy a laptop for office work.
  10. You _______follow the traffic rules on the road.


  1. should
  2. should
  3. can
  4. may
  5. might
  6. could
  7. can
  8. should
  9. need
  10. should

Worksheet 2: Choose the correct modal verb to Complete the sentence.

  1. I______ (will, would ) like to take a cup of tea.
  2. You_______ (may, might ) take some rest now.
  3. we______ ( should, must ) be punctual.
  4. He_______ ( will, would ) be there on time.
  5. I______ ( can, could ) fight with him at that time.
  6. Teachers_____  ( should, could ) provide extra classes to weak students.
  7. I______ ( need, dare ) to buy a new mobile now.
  8. He worked hard so that he______ (may, might ) succeed.
  9. If I were free, I______ ( will, would ) call you.
  10. We______ (can, should ) obey our parents.


  1. would
  2. may
  3. should
  4. will
  5. could
  6. should
  7. need
  8. might
  9. would
  10. should
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Modals for Class 3

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