
Letter/Application on Ticketless Traveling by students

During Ticketless traveling on a bus by some students, you noticed the bus conductor was too scared to ask for the ticket from them for finding this problem solution we write a Letter/Application to the commissioner. you are Pawan/Priya. Mansarovar park, Delhi. 

Question: While traveling on a bus in which a number of college boys and girls were traveling, you noticed that some bullies did not buy the tickets. The conductor was too scared to ask them. Write a letter to the commissioner highlighting this problem and suggesting solutions. You are Pawan/Priyan, 15, Mansarovar Park, Delhi. 


15, Mansarovar Park, Delhi,
15th December, 20xx,

The Commissioner of Police,
New Delhi,

Subject: Ticketless Travelling by students.


I wish to draw your kind attention to the lawless activities of the college students in Delhi. Yesterday, I was traveling by bus. It started from Nand Nagri Depot and its destination was Central Secretariat. A number of college boys and girls were also traveling by the same bus. The conductor asked them to buy tickets. Most of them said ‘staff’ as is the usual practice amount students. Some bullies threatened the conductor with dire consequences if he did not behave himself. The poor conductor was too scared to face them. One of them also caught him by the neck.

The passengers dared not side with the conductor.

Kindly look into the conductors’ genuine problem and find out some solution and find out the solution. Strict action should be taken against bullies.

Thanking you,
Yours faithfully,

Also, Read:

  1. Letter on Information about the loss of the suitcase
  2. Process Writing on Traveling In A Bus 150-200 Words
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