
Letter on request for providing residence/accommodation to the family.

Hey viewers, in this blog we will see how we can request by letter/application for providing accommodation/lodging to a family whose members are going on tour.

Question: Write a letter to the Secretary, Youth Hostels, Jaipur, requesting him to provide accommodation for 3 days to 4 members of your family going on a tour of Rajasthan. You are Kamini/Kamlesh, Gandhinagar, Chennai.


863, Gandhi Nagar Chennai,
8th September, 20…
The Secretary
Youth Hostels, Jaipur-Rajasthan

Subject: Providing accommodation to the family.

I may inform you that our family had decided to go on a tour of Rajasthan. We shall be four members of our family (My parents, myself, and my sister). For this purpose, we need accommodation/residence for three days ( 16th to 18th September 2010) at different places. We will reach Jaipur in the morning of the 16th and stay there the full day and night. The next morning we shall proceed to Udaipur. There also we shall spend the night on the 17th instant. On the third day, we shall to Ajmer and stay there for the night on the 18th instant. It will be a trip sightseeing. Hence we shall be visiting different worth seeing locations.

In this connection, I may request you to reserve a double room for us at Jaipur, Udaipur, and Ajmer for the days mentioned above. The rooms should be well equipped. I would appreciate it if a guide is also provided to us. He will be nicely accommodated in our hired vehicle. Kindly reserve the rooms and inform us accordingly.

Yours faithfully,

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Request letter for providing accommodation to the family

Request letter for providing accomodation to the family (731 downloads )
Request letter for providing accomodation to the family (691 downloads )

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