
Letter to the Editor on Need to improve the status of women in Indian Society

Hello Friends, we are going to describe, How to write a letter to the Editor on the Need to improve the status of women in Indian society.

Question: You are Naresh/Neetu. Recently you came across a newspaper report on the burning of a young woman as her parents could not meet the dowry demands. You feel that even after 60 years of independence, we have not progressed as a nation. Write a letter to the editor of a local newspaper expressing your views and also giving suggestions to improve the status of women in Indian society.

169 – R.B.I, Colony,
Greater Noida,200xx,

The Hindustan Times,

Kasturba Gandhi Marg,
New Delhi

Subject: Need to improve the status of women in Indian society

This refers to a report in your esteemed newspaper about the burning of a young woman by her husband and in-laws as her parents failed to fulfill their dowry demand. The lady was hardly 25 and the last statement on her bed pierces the reader’s mind that even after sixty years of independence our society is still male-dominated and the status of women is secondary. On one side India ranks high on the international podium but on the other side, we are torturing and heaping atrocities on the other sex. This case of bride-burning exposes the hollowness of our social, cultural, and governmental system. The evil of the dowry system is eating away many houses like a parasite whereas it should bubble up with joy.
It is because of this curse of evil practice, many people consider the birth of a daughter as a burden on them. All know that in modern India, women are playing a major role and have a significant contribution to the welfare of democratic values. They represent in all walks of life and show their worth in many areas but this evil practice is still rampant in society. Additional demands are made and in case of denial, brides are subjected to untold sufferings and death try their best.
In this respect, strict measures should be adopted by society and the government must try its best to eradicate this terrible stigma. The dowry seekers should be socially boycotted and the youths should take a pledge to start a campaign against the social evil on a war footing. In a democracy, all have equal rights to enjoy.

Yours faithfully,

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