
Letter on Indiscriminate or Excessive use of Loudspeakers

Hello friends, we are going to describe how to write a letter/application on indiscriminate or excessive use of Loudspeakers in your area for class 5,6,7,8,9,10.

Question: You are S. Subramaniam, living in M.G.R. Hostel, Chennai, Write a letter/application to the Superintendent of Police complaining about the indiscriminate use of loudspeakers in your area.


M.G.R. Hostel, Chennai
5th March 200…
The Superintendent of Police

Subject: Indiscriminate/Excessive use of Loudspeakers.


This is to draw your kind attention to the indiscriminate use of loudspeakers in the Link Road Area. Of latem the religious place like the temples and Gurudwaras have been vying with each other in the use of loudspeakers. The small hours of the morning they begin to blare out Kirtans, Bhajans or Shabads, caring little for the people living around. Bhagwati Jagarans do not let us have a wink of sleep the whole night.

The indiscriminate use of loudspeakers is causing inconvenience to the residents of the area. The worst suffers are the students living in M.G.R. Hostel, who have to appear in their annual examination in the month of March. They are greatly perturbed as their studies are hard hit.

I request you to ban the indiscriminate use of loudspeakers. Those who intend to use the public address system should seek prior permission from the concerned authorities, and they should be asked to use loudspeakers for the minimum time.

Thanking you,
Yours faithfully

Also, read:

Letter on Excessive use of Loudspeakers PDF Download

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Letter on Indiscriminate or Excessive use of Loudspeakers Letter on Indiscriminate or Excessive use of Loudspeakers (414 downloads )

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