
Is “is” a verb, Conjunction, Noun, Pronoun? How to identify?

Yes, there is no doubt that is ‘is‘ a verb, now you think that what type of verb is it? It can be in various types.

How to identity:

  1. Is ‘is‘ a helping verb?
  2. Is ‘is‘ a linking verb?
  3. Is ‘isconjunction?
  4. Is ‘is‘ a noun?
  5. Is ‘is‘ a pronoun?

Is 'is' a verb, How to identify?

1. Is ‘is’ a helping verb?

Is‘ is primary a helping verb. This means it can stand alone in a statement and they can used as a helping verb.

Is can be paired with all kinds of verbs to act as a Helping Verb.

Let us understand the examples:

  1. She is playing.
    Here, ‘She‘ is the subject and ‘is‘ is act as a helping verb which is paired with the verb ‘playing‘.
  2. He is going to school.
    He is going to school, here ‘He‘ is the subject and, ‘Is‘ is act as a helping verb as I  already explained that helping verb  ‘is’ can be paired with the verbs and going is a verb.

I hope it is clear to you, Now, going to the next concept.

2. Is ‘is’ a linking verb?

Linking verbs are generally links subjects to the descriptions.

Let understands with examples:

  1. This girl is beautiful.
    Here ‘Is‘ is the linking verb which links the subject (girl) to its description (beautiful).
  2. Reena is my best friend.
    Here ‘is‘ is the linking verb as we already understand, is link the subject (Reena) to its description (best friend).

3. Is ‘is’ a conjunction?

As we all know that Conjunction are the words that join two or more sentences phrases and clauses like – for, and, nor, but, or, yet, so, if, neither, not also, but also, while, although many more you can check it on Conjunction topic which I already explained with the examples in easy manner.

Is ‘is‘ a state of being verb that do not express any specific action or activity, but a describe existence. ‘Is‘ is used in present tense as a helping verb without it we cannot describe the time of action, that whether it is done in present or past, if we are writing in the third person use ‘is‘ for the singular subjects.

Lets take an example:

  1. He is writing a letter.
    Here, ‘is‘ is acting as a helping verb which shows that the sentence is in present tense.

4. Is ‘is’ a noun?

If we talk about the question that ‘is‘ is a noun or not, so it is very simple to say ‘no’ because we already know that noun is the name of person, place, thing, and feelings, but ‘is‘ is not come in this category it doesn’t show any ‘naming word’ or any feeling it is just a verb.

Let us take an example:

  1. She is very sad
    Here, ‘is‘ is a linking verb that link the subject ‘she‘ to the description ‘sad‘. Here, ‘Is‘ is not acting as a noun, because it doesn’t show any feeling or any name.

5. Is ‘is’ a pronoun?

If we talk about the next question that ‘is‘ is a pronoun or not,  so it is very simple to say ‘no’ because we already know that pronoun is the word used in place of noun, In order to avoid the repetation of a noun in a sentence pronoun is used.

Lets take an Example:

  1. Mrs. Mitali being a good teacher, she is liked by all the students.
    Here, we remove Mrs. Mitali with ‘she‘. She is pronoun not a noun and must be used in place noun Mrs. Mitalli.

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