
Hints for story writing

Hello, my friends welcome back with a new topic hint for story writing in English, Subcategory of Story wiring or Short Story writing. If you are a student of class 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, CBSE or a teacher you are at the right place for understanding the topic ‘hints for story writing’.

Here, you have some selected Examples, Questions asked in the exam. For practice below the article worksheet given Topic-wise, for practice includes 11 questions, helps you to score better in the exam.

Sometimes, hints are provided for writing a story. Such hints can be in the form of:

  •  An outline or a few pointers pertaining to the plot;
  • Words, phrases, slogans, proverbs, idioms, etc., which need to be included in the story; or
  • The beginning or end of the story you would be constructing.

Hints for story writing

More often than not, such an exercise comes with a prescribed word-limit of, say, 100 and 50 words.

Solved examples of hints for Story writing

  1. (Example 1) Story based on the given pointers.
  2. (Example 2) Story on ‘Slow and steady wins the Race’.
  3. (Example 3) Incorporate the following words and phrases in a folktale.
  4. (Example 4) Complete the story ‘The wood-Cutter and the River God’ (words 100)
  5. (Example 5)  An unfinished story The Foolish Stag‘ (80 words)
  6. (Example 6) Given the ending of a story that you are required to construct in around (100 words). Also, provide a suitable title for the story.

Solved examples of hints for Story writing

Example 1

Write a story based on the given pointers in about 150 words. Also, give a title to your story.

  1. A tiger gets caught in a cage.
  2. A kind traveler releases it.
  3. Tiger pounces on the man.
  4. The man pleads for mercy.
  5. Tiger allows him three chances to seek help.
  6. The man pleads with a tee- the tree says men are selfish.
  7. The man seeks the pathway’s help – it declines to help, calls people ungrateful.
  8. A jackal comes by, the man calls for help.
  9. The jackal asks the tiger how he had got caught.
  10. The tiger enters the cage to show just that and the jackal latches the cage.
Now observe how these pointers can be developed into an interesting story.

The clever Jackal

Once, a tiger got trapped in a cage. A kind traveler took pity on it and released it. The tiger immediately pounced on the man to kill him. The man pleaded for mercy and was allowed three chances to seek help. First, the man pleaded with a tree which said, “Why should I help a man? I give men so much and they still cut me down.”

Then, the man called out to the pathway for help. It said, “Men are ungrateful creatures. I show them the way and they, in turn, trample on me.”

The man then sought the help of a jackal that was passing by. The jackal asked the tiger, “I wonder how you got trapped in the first place!”

The tiger readily went into the cage to show how. The jackal quickly latched the cage and went off smiling along with the grateful traveler.

Example 2

Write an interesting story justifying the proverb, ‘Slow and steady wins the Race‘.

Slow and Steady Wins the Race

Once, a hare who was very proud of his speed was challenged, to a long race, by a tortoise. The hare had been mocking the slow tortoise for days before it became intolerable for the tortoise to bear the end of the forest to the other.

The race began the next day with the first ray of the sun. The hare was halfway through within no time. The tortoise was nowhere to be seen. Laughing away arrogantly, the hare lay down under a tree to rest for a while and then he fell asleep. While he slept, the tortoise continued on, but steadily, towards the destination.

The hare woke up with a start to find that evening was drawing to a close. He leaped fast and reached the finishing line to see that the tortoise had already reached there.

He hung his head in shame.

Example 3

Incorporate the following words and phrases in a folktale i.e., a grandmother’s story.

A monkey on the tree laden with fruits: river: out on the bank: a crocodile: gave fruits: became friends: Greedy wife: the monkey’s heart: midstream: truth: quickly climbed up the tree.


The Monkey and the Crocodile

Once, a monkey lived on a tree laden with fruit by the side of a river. In that river, he lived a huge crocodile with his family. He often came out on the bank in search of food. The monkey gave the crocodile lots of fruits from the tree. Gradually, the monkey and the crocodile became friends. The crocodile ate some of the fruits and also took some for his wife. One day, his greedy wife, demanded the monkey’s heart. The crocodile agreed, though reluctantly. He invited the monkey to his house for dinner. Carrying the monkey on his back, the crocodile started his journey home. Once they reached midstream, he told the monkey the truth.

The monkey was clever. He said that he had left his heart on the tree. So, the crocodile, with the monkey on his back, returned to the tree. On reaching the bank, the monkey quickly climbed up the tree. He told the crocodile that that was the end of their friendship.

Example 4

The Student of class 9 and 10 were asked to write one story each. Meena began well but fell short of ideas and was unable to complete her story. Help her to complete write the story in about 100 words.

Once, a wood-cutter was cutting a branch of a tree on the bank of a river. His axe accidentally fell into the river. He began to curse the river. The river god appeared before him…

The wood-Cutter and the River God

Once, a wood-cutter was cutting a branch of a tree on the bank of a river. His axe accidentally fell into the river. He began to curse the river. The river god appeared before him holding a golden axe.

“Here! Take your axe back,” the river god said.

“No sir, mine was an iron axe,” said the wood-cutter. The river god was so pleased with the man’s honesty that he gave him both the axes – the golden one as well as the wood-cutter’s own.

So, the moral of the story is -Honesty is the best policy.

Example 5

Given below is an unfinished story. Complete the same in not less than 80 words.

Once, a stag who came to a river to drink water noticed his own reflection in it.

“What lovely horns I have!” he said with great pride.

But the sight of his thin and ugly legs filled him with hatred. ….

The Foolish Stag

Just then, he saw a pack of hounds approaching. At once, he took to his heels and ran to safety. But as he did himself in the bushes his horns got entangled into them. The more he tried to free himself, the more his horns got trapped. Soon, the hounds in and tore his body into pieces.

As he lay dying, the stag realised that he had been a fool to value beauty over usefulness. His ugly legs could have carried him to safety if his beautiful horns hadn’t got trapped in the bushes.

Example 6

Given below is the ending of a story that you are required to construct in around 100 words. Also, provide a suitable title for the story.

... This was the same lion whom Androcles had helped – he had removed the thorn that had somehow got stuck in its paw – while he had spent his days back in the jungle.

Androcles and the Lion

The crowds were tempestuous with excitement to see the flight.

Androcles stood in the arena waiting for imminent death in the shape of a fierce lion.

As the lion came roaring out of its confines, the spectators went wild and Androcles’s heart hammered against his chest. But lo! The lion, instead of pouncing at Androcles, crouched at his feet and began licking him fondly. And Androcles, overcome with happiness, threw his arms around its neck. Wide-eyed in amazement, like everyone Androcles’s power over itself.

This was the same lion whom Androcles had helped – he had removed the thorn that had somehow got stuck in its paw – when he was living. 

Story writing with hints worksheet/Questions for class 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12

In story writing worksheet you have some types of questions Form Examples: 

  1. Continue a story after the dots
  2. End stories with the following lines
  3. Write stories with the titles
  4. Complete the following story with the following words.
  5. Dialogue based story.
  6. Followed by struggled for survival.
  7. Hints for story writing.

Read questions for better understand. (Hints for story writing)

Story writing with hints worksheet


Questions 1

You are on a holiday by the sea-side when suddenly the sea seems to heave and swell. The waves begin to appear more like huge walls. It was the fearsome Tsunami.

Write a heartrending story of the initial shock followed by the struggle for survival. Recount the devastation caused. (Not less than 100 words)


  • How was it that you were by the sea-side?
  • Recreate the setting and the characters around you.
  • What were the things first sighted by you?
  • Recount the struggle to stay afloat.
  • Try to give an interesting end to your story.

Questions 2

Write a dialogue-based story between a cat and a mouse. The mouse is trying to explain why the cat shouldn’t eat it. Try to come up with a humorous story in not less than 100 words.

Question 3

One day. While returning home from office your pocket was picked by a thief; you ran after the thief and then a chain of events followed which were completely bizarre. It is meant to be a thrilling experience, so include anecdotes wherever befitting. (80 words or more)

Question 4

Write a first-person account in not less than 80 words, of an incident where a fire broke out. Incorporate the given words and phrases into your narrative.

A car, scorching heat of the sun; traffic snarl; charred; cell phone; hospital; ambulance

Question 5

Construct a story that would justify the proverb- ‘As you sow, so you reap’. (80 words)

Question 6

Related a story for which the beginning has been provided below. (80-100 words)

The rain came splattering on the windowpanes. He looked up…

Question 7

Weave a story, in about 80 words, using the outline provided.

A hungry fox __________ a crow with a piece of bread in its beak __________ the fox flatters the crow __________ the crow begins to sign __________ the fox grabs the piece of bread.

Question 8

Related a story with the ending as suggested below. (80-100 words)

… And they became the best of friends from that day on.

Question 9

Given below is the outline of a story. Complete the story in about 80-100 words.

Robert Bruce __________ defeated __________ finds himself in a hopeless situation __________ tempted to give up the struggle __________ chance up a spider __________ observes how the spider keeps trying to reach its web __________ nine times it fails to climb up the thread __________ succeeds in the tenth attempt __________ Robert Bruce gets inspired __________ he tries again and succeeds __________ reclaims his kingdom

Questions 10

Write a story, in about 80-100 words, using the following outline.

An old farmer had four sons ____________ the sons were lazy __________ the farmer got worried about them __________ on his death-bed, summons his sons __________ tells them a treasure lies buried in the long-neglected fields __________ the old man dies __________ the sons go to the fields looking for the treasure __________ dig hard __________ rains fall __________ they sow the seeds __________ reap a good harvest __________ the discover the real treasure.

Question 11

Given below is the story of a king and his three daughters. Complete the following story using suitable words.

An old king decided to step down from the throne and divide his kingdom equally among his three daughters. But that, he puts __________ thought a test, asking __________ tell him the loved him. The __________ daughters tell him __________ more than their life. However, the third daughter __________ according to her duty as a daughter, __________ nor less, and __________ flatter him. The king __________ and disowns her.

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He __________ kingdom equally __________ daughters. After some __________ goes to live __________ eldest __________. She __________ badly __________ leave her place. The disheartened __________ second daughter who __________. Left with nothing, __________ jungle. He is unable to believe __________ betrayed him.

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