
Examples of Noun For Class 9 | Examples, Exercise, PDF

What Are the Examples of Noun For Class 9

Hello children, Today we are going to see the examples of noun in depth. In this lesson, we’ll look at various examples of nouns with their types. Also, for better understanding, there is an exercise for you to practice. At the end of the lesson, you will see a test series combined with some questions for your self-practice. 

What are the examples of noun?

As we have learned about the meaning of noun, it is important to know some examples of nouns. Examples are useful as there are so many nouns that we use in our day-to-day lives. For example, bed, meal, ball, fruits, water, and vegetables, etc.

There are so many examples of nouns, such as nouns naming a person, nouns naming a place, nouns naming a thing, nouns naming an idea, and nouns naming an animal. To understand more, you need to deeply look into the nouns and their meaning. So, let’s see, what are the examples of noun?

1. Noun naming a person:

  • A man
  • A teacher
  • The Prime Minister
  • A caretaker
  • The president

2. Noun naming a place:

  • A mall
  • My house
  • Mount Fuji
  • Moscow
  • Maldives 

3. Noun naming a thing

  • A pen
  • A book
  • A chair
  • An airplane
  • A ball
  • An apartment

4. Noun naming an idea

  • Loyalty
  • Pleasure
  • Happiness
  • Maturity
  • Creativity
  • Freedom 

What are the Examples of Noun in Sentences?

There are different types of noun like common noun, proper noun, abstract noun, and collective noun. The nouns that we see in the sentences are part of these types of nouns. To understand the types of noun is one thing, but to understand these nouns in a sentence is an essential part. So, let’s understand this in a better way by seeing what are the examples of noun in sentences.

1. Common Noun

  • The teacher is explaining the concept to the students.
  • The pilot is handling the airplane.
  • She placed the book on the table.
  • He bought a new car last weekend.
  • The dog barked loudly at the stranger.

2. Proper Noun

  • Albert Einstein was a genius in the field of physics.
  • The Eiffel Tower is a famous landmark in France.
  • Alice went to Paris for her vacation.
  • Mount Everest is the highest peak in the world.
  • Microsoft is a leading technology company.

3. Abstract Noun

  • She felt a sense of happiness after winning the race.
  • Love is a powerful emotion that connects people.
  • The bravery of the soldiers was truly inspiring.
  • Freedom is a fundamental right for everyone.
  • The honesty of his words impressed everyone in the interview.

4. Collective Noun

  • The team celebrated their victory together.
  • The class completes their project.
  • The audience cheered loudly during the concert.
  • The faculty gathered for a reunion after many years.
  • The club organized a charity event for the marginal community.

For more knowledge, there are some examples of noun for each letter:

Exercise For Examples Of Noun | Class 9

Identify and categorize the nouns in the following sentences:

  1. The class went on a trip to Paris.
  2. Honesty is the best policy.
  3. The flock of birds flew across the sky.
  4. The bridge is made of steel.
  5. Sachin Tendulkar is a legendary cricketer.


  1. Class (collective noun), Paris (proper noun)
  2. Honesty (abstract noun)
  3. Flock (collective noun), Sky (Common Noun)
  4. Bridge (Common Noun), Steel (Material Noun)
  5. Sachin Tendulkar (Proper noun), Cricketer (Common Noun)

Fill in the blanks with the correct type of noun from the options given.

  1. The ______ of students worked on their group project. (Collective Noun)
  2. Her ______ for learning new languages is admirable. (Abstract Noun)
  3. The ______ is known for its durability and strength. (Material Noun)
  4. ______ was awarded the Nobel Prize for his work in physics. (Proper Noun)
  5. The ______ sat quietly in the corner of the room. (Common Noun)


  1. Team
  2. Passion
  3. Steel
  4. Albert Einstein
  5. Chair

The Examples of Noun for Class 9 | Test Series?

1. Create sentences using the following nouns, and identify each noun’s type.

  1. Society
  2. Australia
  3. laughter
  4. collection
  5. Courage

2. Identify the nouns in the sentences below and rewrite them by specifying their type.

  1. The library was filled with books and magazines.
  2. Eleanor Roosevelt was an influential figure in American history.
  3. The crowd at the concert was ecstatic.
  4. The silk fabric felt smooth and luxurious.
  5. She wrote a poem about love and friendship.

3. Identify the abstract noun: courage, mountain, apple, London.

4. Which is a proper noun? River, car, Taj Mahal, forest.

5. Find the collective nouns: family, computer, gold, knowledge.

6. Which of the following is a common noun? City, Mumbai, bravery, flock.

7. Fill in the blanks with the correct noun type from the list below.

  1. The ______ of students cheered at the graduation ceremony. (Collective Noun)
  2. ______ is often associated with happiness and success. (Abstract Noun)
  3. The ______ statue was made from recycled materials. (Material Noun)
  4. ______ is known for its rich cultural history and landmarks. (Proper Noun)
  5. The ______ was found near the ancient ruins. (Common Noun)

8. Identify the type of noun.

  1. The team won the tournament.
  2. Shakespeare wrote many famous plays.
  3. She felt a deep sense of relief after the exam.
  4. The ocean is home to many diverse species.
  5. A herd of cows was grazing in the field.

9. Match the nouns with their correct type from the options provided.

  1. Joy – (Common Noun, Proper Noun, Abstract Noun, Collective Noun, Material Noun)
  2. Brass – (Common Noun, Proper Noun, Abstract Noun, Collective Noun, Material Noun)
  3. London – (Common Noun, Proper Noun, Abstract Noun, Collective Noun, Material Noun)
  4. Audience – (Common Noun, Proper Noun, Abstract Noun, Collective Noun, Material Noun)
  5. Flower – (Common Noun, Proper Noun, Abstract Noun, Collective Noun, Material Noun)

10. Transform the sentences below by changing the type of nouns as specified:

  1. Change the common noun to a proper noun: “The teacher assigned homework.”
  2. Change the abstract noun to a material noun: “Her happiness was evident.”
  3. Change the proper noun to a common noun: “I visited London last summer.”
  4. Change the collective noun to a common noun: “The team won the championship.”
  5. Change the material noun to an abstract noun: “The fabric was soft and durable.”

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