
150 words Essay on Fashion in English

[Write a short Essay/article/Paragraph/Note on Fashion, Modern fashion trends, for school students CBSE, among student, in english 100, 150, 200, 250 words.]

Today we live in a world of fashion. Everybody wants to be a smart one that is how different fashions of dresses and hairstyles come to the minds of human beings. The ancient relics show that men and women wore even in the past different hairstyles, clothes and jewellery. But modern society looks crazier about fashions. People spend a lot of money on them.

Men has learnt the art of spinning, weaving and making cotton and woollen clothes. The cloth so made was coarse and simple. With the increase of his knowledge, the man began to prepare fine cloth of different qualities and designs. Yet he wore simple, loose clothes.

Fashions change every now and then. Actors and actresses in the various film are the great pioneers in this field. The young men and women try to ape them as they see them in films.

You can often see the girls with boy-cut hair. They wear jeans and tops. It sometimes seems difficult to guess their sex. Sometimes fashion change to tight clothes. It sometimes changes to loose clothes. One thing is certain that there is nothing in fashionable clothes. The best thing for us is to wear clean and simple clothes.

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