
Email writing for class 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10

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Ever since man learned writing and scripting, various forms of letter writing have played an important role in the way humans communicate. In ancient times, scrolls containing messages were exchanged and pigeons were trained to deliver written messages, tied to their feet, over long distances.

With the advancement of time, various means of transaction and correspondence evolved until we could categories them under the standards of formal and informal letters. However, the fine line between the two is fast blurring with the advent of technology in modern times. The pace of modern life demands instant messaging for day to day correspondence. And the product of this demand is e-mail or electronic mail.

What is E-mail writing?

An E-mail is a digital message sent by someone to one or more recipients. it is sent through the Internet in an instant.

Is the Email process simple?

Modern e-mail operates across the Internet or within other computer networks. Some early e-mail systems required that both the sender and the recipient be online at the same time. Today’s e-mail systems are based on a store-and-forward model. E-mail servers accept, forward, deliver and also store messages.

Neither the users nor their computers are required to be online simultaneously; they need to connect only briefly, typically to a mail server, for as long as it takes to send or receive messages. It assures an instant response, is cheaper and enables sending and receiving as many attachments as desired in the form of documents, images, etc.

The facility of e-mail has expanded the scope of business and communication and demolished boundaries, thus brief and to the point.

What Fields include in the header of an e-mail message?

  1. Date:

    The local time date when the message was written. It is usually automatically filled by the clients (Gmail, yahoo mail, etc.)

  2. Form:

    The e-mail address of the sender. It is usually automatically filled in a particular account by the client (Gmail, rediffmail, etc.)

  3. To:

    The e-mail address of the recipient of the message.

  4. Subject:

    A brief abstract of the topic of the message. Abbreviations like “Re:” (signifying reply to the mail) and “Fw:” (symbolishing forward the mail) are commonly included.

  5. Bcc:

    Blind carbon copy includes the address added to the recipient list.

  6. Cc:

    Carbon copy adds the e-mail address of another recipient which some e-mail clients mark differently in the recipient inbox.

Format of Formal E-mail writing for class 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10

  1. Subject Line:

    While writing subject line keep these points in mind, the subject line should be short, specific, Simple and to the point, important and informative, if you have to put it well because recipient sees the subject of the email

  2. Salutation:

    Do not skip Salutation because each email directed toward someone, address the receipt in a manner that’s fit the relationship, you have with them, Never use a nickname, Use, Dear Sir/Madam To whom it may concern.

  3. Body of the Email:

    It is an important and the main part so follow a certain pattern while writing the body Explain why you are writing them, don’t use unnecessary information. Last line or at the end of the e-mail use Question line for Example – Is it helpful, Hope this helpful or more as you wish.

  4. Signature: 

    The last word of your mail, Use thanks, kind regards, Sincerely, Warmly so on. Use full name if you writing to someone for the first time, you can also add contact information.


Email writing format

E-mail writing Example for class 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10

Do’s while writing a Formal E-mail

  1. Identify yourself clearly.
  2. Write a meaningful and apt subject line.
  3. Distinguish between formal and informal situations and write accordingly.
  4. Priorities the information in order of importance.
  5. Keep the message precise and readable.
  6. Use simple sentences. Avoid passive voice. The message should be less complex than formal letters.
  7. Use numbers, bullets, and paragraphs to make the message clear and easy to understand.
  8. Proofread your message to edit errors.

Don’ts while writing a Formal E-mail

  1. Do not write ‘hello’ or ‘hi’ as your subject.
  2. Do not write about irrelevant issues-particularly I formal communication.
  3. Do not give personal information you want to keep private, for the e-mail could end up in the wrong hands.
  4. Do not use different fonts as the recipient’s computer may not be compatible.
  5. Do no use capital letters for whole words as it is considered as ‘shouting’ in e-mail language.
  6. Do not use italics, exclamation marks, etc., as they may be misunderstood.
  7. Do not use unusual short forms or acronyms as they may hamper understanding.

Why do we write E-mails?

We write e-mails to fulfill a number of purposes, for example,

  • Seeking or giving information
  • Thanking
  • Inviting
  • Accepting or declining a request or an invitation
  • Personal and social reasons

Observe the following examples of an informal e-mail.

Email Format Example 1: Write an Email to a friend

Your friend has received a prize in an inter-school debate competition. Send an e-mail congratulating her on her achievement. You are Nisha and your friend is Anubha.

Date:        January 31, 2017

From:        nishad01@rediffmail.com

To:             anubhasc@gmail.com

Subject:     Coagulations and good wishes
Dear Anu


You did it, buddy I am so happy for you. May you go on adding more feathers I your cap!

I wish you the best always!

I remember the last time when you had won, I was sitting right there in the front row. Honestly, you make me proud to be your friend. What a powerful speaker you are! And your arguments usually leave your opponent’s speechiess. You deserve to win every time you are up on the stage. Well done, again!

If I’m not mistaken, you have now qualified for the state-level contest, haven’t you? Well, you will beat them all again, I’m sure. But this level needs very serious preparation, as it will be a contest among stalwarts, and one cannot afford to take it easy. Not that you in whatever capacity I can.

My dad has been winning laurels for public speaking in his student’s days and after, and he’ll be truly happy to hand you some valuable tips. Feel free to drop in whenever you wish to.

See you then.


Email Format Example 2: E-mail to the president of RWA of your locality

Write an E-mail to the President of the RWA of your locality, drawing his attention to the encroachment of the playground area by the neighbouring residents.

Date: February 5, 2017

From: anurag99@yahoo.co.in

To: xyz@gmail .com

Subject: Complaint against the encroachment of playground


I would like to draw your kind attention to the undesirable activities being carried out by some people on the eastern corner of the playground in our locality.

We are young and our protests have fallen on deaf ears as these adults are remorseless and fearless. They believe they are not accountable for their actions.

They have erected tents on a vast portion of the eastern corner of the playground and have started selling products like chewing tobacco, cigarette and some liquid which we suspect may well be spurious alcoholic drink!

We did muster up the courage to speak to them about discontinuing the misuse of land demarcated for children but they threatened and chased us away.

Sir, as you would acknowledge. It is a serious matter which must be looked into, without any delay. We, as children, have done our bit by sounding the alarm and now expect the grown-ups to do what is necessary.

Thank you

Children of Soaminagar, Block C

Practice questions for Email-writing

  1. You want to take up a summer internship with the local outlet of McDonald’s. Write an e-mail to the Head of the outlet enquiring about the procedure to go ahead.
  2. Your grandfather has retired and is looking at the prospect of social service. Write an E-mail motivating him and supporting his plans.
  3. Write feedback to 12@gmail .com complaining about the minuscule quantity of vegetables in the products as against that advertised.
  4. Schools have started following the continuous comprehensive evaluation of students to mixed reactions from parents and teachers. How beneficial or detrimental has it been to the students, in your opinion? Express your views in an E-mail to the Editor of a national daily.
  5. You are concerned about your friends who, like most other kids, watch a lot of violence and horror-oriented stuff on TV. Write an E-mail to the renowned psychologist of your city asking him to collaborate with schools and work out a remedial measure.

Email writing for class 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 PDF

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