
How to Write a Letter/Application about Traffic jams caused by stray animals

I have noticed many stray animals on the road during the busy hours of the day. These animals cause traffic jams as well as accidents. That’s why here we are discussing how to write a letter about traffic jams caused by stray animals.

Question: Your school K.K.R. Senior Secondary School is situated in the heart of the city of Mangalore. Many stray animals roam on the school road causing traffic jams as well as accidents. Write a letter/Application to the editor of “The Indian Express” drawing the attention of the municipal authorities to this nuisance. Sign as Rukamn/Rakesh, Head girl/Head boys.


K.K.R.Senior Secondary School,
5th March,200…,
The Editor,
The Indian Express,
Bahadur Shah Zafar Marg,
New Delhi-01

Subject: Traffic jams caused by stray animals


Through the esteemed columns of your newspaper, I want to draw the attention of municipal authorities of Mangalore about the traffic jams on the school road due to the roaming of stray animals here and there. They were often either stand or enjoy sitting in the middle of the road thereby creating a great nuisance to the vehicles plying on the road. Cases of accidents are very frequent, in addition to this, they trouble the students as well as the other passengers moving it. The drivers resound the horns at the full pitch but these obstinate animals do not give way to the traffic. Further, they urinate and spoil the atmosphere there. Consequently, the traffic comes to a standstill and thereby the passers-by become late for the duty post. Since this is the main road connecting the station and other parts of the area, it needs to remain free from any kind of trouble and nuisance. In the morning and the norm time, the school students get afraid and they run for safety. They create fear by showing their sharp horns. This turn of stampede may lead to any sort of mishap. Hence there is utmost urgency of free flow of traffic for everyone’s safety over this nuisance.
The attention of concerned authorities has been focussed so many times by seeing them personally by school principal but they pay a deaf ear to this serious problem. I hope my request will echo in their ears and appropriate steps will be initiated to get all the people relieved from it.
Thanking You,
Yours Faithfully,
Head girl/Head boy

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Draft a Letter about Traffic jams caused by stray animals

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