
Dialogue Writing for Class 5 with Answers

Dialogue Writing for class 5: Hello Students, here we have posted Dialogue Writing Class 5 English Grammar with Answers. You can practice different situations, learn how characters talk, and get better at creating exciting dialogues. Come along, and let’s make your dialogue writing skills even better. Thank You!

Question 1 – Dialogue Writing between mother and son

Ansh and his mother are fighting over the advantages and disadvantages of social media. Write a dialogue between them.


Ansh: Mom, I don’t think we should use social media. It’s a waste of time!
Mother: No, Ansh, social media has advantages. It helps us connect with friends and family.

Ansh: But it’s also bad! It makes people waste too much time.
Mother: Well, it’s essential to use it responsibly. Social media can be informative and fun.

Ansh: I heard it’s not safe. Strangers can talk to us.
Mother: True, we need to be cautious. But with proper privacy settings, we can stay safe.

Ansh: It’s still confusing. I prefer playing outside.
Mother: Balance is key, Ansh. We can enjoy both outdoor activities and use social media responsibly.

Ansh: Okay, Mom, but I still think playing with friends is better than screens.
Mother: And I agree, Ansh. Let’s find a good balance together!

Question 2 – Dialogue Writing between brother and sister

Write a dialogue between Diya and her sister, talking about the merits and demerits of online exams.


Diya : Hey, brother! I heard our school might have online exams. What do you think?
Brother: Online exams? Well, they have some advantages. We can take them from home and use our computers.

Diya: True, but what if the internet goes down during the exam? That would be a problem!
Brother : Good point. But online exams save paper and are better for the environment.

Diya : I like that, but sometimes my computer acts slow. It might take me longer to finish.
Brother : Yes, technical issues can be a challenge. But at least we won’t have to worry about handwriting!

Diya: That’s true! But I’ll miss seeing my friends during exams. It’s more fun together.
Brother : I understand. But online exams give us flexibility and can be less stressful.

Diya: Well, I guess they have both good and bad things. Let’s hope for the best, brother!
Brother : Absolutely, Diya! We’ll adapt and make the most of it.

Question 3 – Dialogue Writing between father and daughter

Write dialogues between Tanzil and her father. They are discussing her career.


Tanzil: Papa, Our teacher asked us to think about what we want to be when we grow up. I’m so excited!
Father: That’s wonderful, Tanzil! What are you thinking of becoming?

Tanzil : Hmm… I want to be a scientist, Papa! I love learning about planets and stars.
Father: That’s a fantastic choice, Tanzil! What sparked your interest in space?

Tanzil: Well, we learned about the solar system in class,  I want to know more about the planets
Father: I believe you can achieve anything you set your mind to. But being a scientist involves a lot of studying and hard work. Are you ready for that?

Tanzil: Yes, Papa! I love learning, and I’ll work really hard to become a great scientist
Father: I’m sure you will, Tanzil. It’s essential to follow your passion.

Tanzil  :  Thanks, Papa!  I’ll work hard to make you proud!

Question 4 – Dialogue Writing between two sisters

Write a dialogue between Amy and Ben discussing their favourite season and why they like them.


Amy : Hey, Beni! What’s your favorite season?
Beni : Definitely winter! I love the snow and building snowmen. What about you, Amy?

Amy : I like spring! The flowers bloom, and it’s not too hot or too cold.
Beni : Winter is cool because of Christmas and snowball fights!

Amy : But in spring, everything turns green, and there are baby animals everywhere.
Beni : Winter has cozy sweaters and hot chocolate by the fireplace.

Amy : True, but in spring, we can play outside without freezing!
Beni : Winter means holidays and playing in the snow. What’s not to love?

Amy : Well, spring is like a new beginning with all the colorful flowers and butterflies.
Beni : Let’s agree to disagree. Winter and spring both sound awesome in their own ways!

Amy : Fair enough, Ben! As long as we enjoy our favorite seasons, that’s what matters.

Question 5 – Dialogue Writing between two friends

Write a dialogue between Emma and Jake sharing their experiences and favourite animals from a recent visit to zoo.


Emma : Jake, the zoo visit was amazing! What was your favorite animal?
Jake : I loved the lions! They were so big and majestic. What about you, Emma?

Emma : The elephants stole my heart! They were so gentle, and I got to feed one!
Jake : Wow, feeding an elephant sounds awesome! I was too scared to feed any animal.

Emma : It’s not scary at all! You should try next time. What other animals did you like?
Jake : The monkeys were hilarious! They were swinging and playing all the time.

Emma : I saw that too! Monkeys are so playful. Did you learn anything interesting about them?
Jake : Yeah, they are really smart! I read a sign that said they use tools to get their food.

Emma : That’s fascinating! I also learned penguins can swim really fast. They were so cute!
Jake : Penguins are cool! We should go to the zoo again and learn more about animals.

Emma : Definitely, Jake! It was a fun day, and I can’t wait for another zoo adventure.

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