
Determiners for Class 7

Definition of Determiners: Determiners are the words, statements, or phrases that are used to indicate or modify a noun expression or to introduce and give more information about nouns in a sentence.

Types of Determiners

There are six types of determiners which are as follows –

  1. Articles
  2. Possessive
  3. Demonstrative
  4. Distributive
  5. Interrogative
  6. Quantifiers
ArticlesA, an and the
Possessive DeterminersMy, its, his, their, her, our, and your
Demonstrative DeterminersThis, that, these and those
Distributive DeterminersAll, both, half, either, neither, each, every
QuantifiersAny, all, many, much, most, some, a few, and a lot of, a little
Interrogative determinersWhich, what and whose

Let us learn the types of determiners in detail.

1. Articles

Articles are used before nouns in specific or general.

(a) Use of ‘a’

It is used in the beginning of singular noun with a consonant.


  1. He bought a dozen of mangoes.
  2. There is a bird is in the cage.
  3. Naira has a severe pain in her head.
  4. He misses his sister a lot.
  5. There is a big giant animal in this forest.

(b) Use of ‘an’

It is used  in the  beginning of singular nouns with a vowel.


  1. He is an honest man.
  2. She bought an umbrella yesterday.
  3. An apple is eaten by Niya.
  4. He bought an expensive necklace for his mother.
  5. He likes to eat an egg.

(c) Use of ‘the’

It is used before singular and plural nouns in specific or particular.


  1. The child is playing outside.
  2. The school is conducting PTM tomorrow.
  3. Delhi is the capital of India.
  4. The girls are dancing.
  5. He is going to the party.

2. Possessive Determiners

Possessive determiners is used to express the possession or belongingness to someone or something. My, our, her, his, and their are some words that describe possessive determiners.


  1. It is my new watch.
  2. This is your favorite place.
  3. His friend is very smart.
  4. This is her favourite Red colour handbag.
  5. It’s a very long distance.
  6. Their friends come to the party at late night.
  7. Our team won the quiz competition.
  8. I saw his friends in the restaurant.
  9. Your shoes look so expensive.
  10. Her friends will come to the party.

3. Demonstrative Determiners

Demonstrative determiners is used to express or indicate or point a particular noun and introduce in a sentence. This, that, these, those are some words which describes demonstrative determiners.


  1. This girl looks so pretty.
  2. Is that yours purse?
  3. These are your books on the table.
  4. Those shoes are mine.
  5. Is this bag belong to you?
  6. That is your favourite game.
  7. Do you like these games?
  8. He distributes food among those children.
  9. This is my house.
  10. These girls are planning to travel alone.

4. Distributive Determiners

A distributive determiners refers to a group or an individual people or objects in a group. Each, every, either, neither are some words that describes distributive



  1. Each boy in our class participated in race.
  2. Every child must bring a flag tomorrow.
  3. Please have either tea or coffee.
  4. Neither of them had solved the sums.
  5. Each participant will have to come tomorrow.
  6. Every girl is wearing a beautiful dress.
  7. Either Namit or Neha will come.
  8. Neither of the answer is correct.
  9. Each day in the office is very long.
  10. Distribute sweets to every person or here.

5. Interrogative determiners

An interrogative determiners is used to modify a noun in a direct or an indirect question. What, which, whose are some words that describes interrogative



  1. What is your favorite hobby?
  2. Which flavor of ice cream do you like?
  3. Whose books are these?
  4. What time will you come tomorrow?
  5. In which exam do you score less?
  6. Whose house is near the temple?
  7. What is behind the table?
  8. Which country do you want to study in?
  9. Whose book have you bought?
  10. What a pretty dress.

6. Quantifiers

Quantifiers determiners are used to express or indicate a noun that describes quantity or amount of degree. Some, much, little, many, more, less, few, several, all

are some words which describe quantifiers.


  1. There is some water left in the jug.
  2. He hasn’t received any books.
  3. There is a lot of water in his bottle.
  4. She bought a few coins from the market.
  5. He takes several hours to complete the work.
  6. Neetu gave me all her money.
  7. He needs to show more his talent.
  8. There is less time left to start the meeting.
  9. Can you stay here a little longer?
  10. There are many fruits kept in the kitchen.

Determiners Worksheet for Class 7

Fill in the blanks with the correct determiners.

  1. Maya used ______ color pens in her project. (this/that)
  2. ______of my friends attend the party. (none/any)
  3. Give me ______ food. I am hungry. (the/an)
  4. I want ______ shoes you were wearing last night. (this/those)
  5. ______ university do you prefer after school? (whose/which)
  6. Only ______ students in the class were able to solve the sum. (few/ little)
  7. Would you like to have ______ orange juice? (some/any)
  8. There are ______ of problems faced by the children in solving the problem. (any/lots)
  9. The girl wants to buy ______ laptop for his brother. (a/an)
  10. I thought this is ______ bracelet. (him/my)
  11. She wanted ______ dress for an annual function. (these/this)
  12. ______ students can have the refreshments from the canteen. (Every/each)
  13. There are ______ money left with her after shopping. (some/any)
  14. ______ language do you prefer the most to speak? (which/whose)
  15. ______ book is lost from the class? (which/whose)
  16. ______ of his exam went well. (neither/either)
  17. Is ______ your purse? ( this/that)
  18. He knew that ______ family suffers a lot. (his/her)
  19. He always eats ______ apple in the early morning. (a/an)
  20. ______ exams finished yesterday. (this/ their)


  1. These
  2. None
  3. The
  4. Those
  5. Which
  6. Few
  7. Some
  8. Lots
  9. A
  10. My
  11. This
  12. Every
  13. Some
  14. What
  15. Whose
  16. Neither
  17. That
  18. His
  19. An
  20. Their

Determiners for Class 7 Pdf

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5 thoughts on “Determiners for Class 7, Types, Examples, Worksheet, & Pdf”

  1. The options are different than the answers some of the questions didnt make sense at all like (There are _________ money left after the shopping (some/any)) So this is the question shouldn’t it be there is _________ money left after the shopping. To be honest this is one of the best websites I have ever seen. This is the only mistake I have found on this website. Highly Recommended to everyone.

    1. Thank you so much for taking the time to provide your valuable feedback! We truly appreciate your input and are grateful for your kind words about our website. Your observation about the question format is spot on, and we apologize for any confusion caused by the phrasing. You’re absolutely right, it should indeed be “there is” instead of “there are” in that question. Your attention to detail is commendable, and we’re thankful for users like you who help us improve the quality of our content.

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    1. Thank you for your kind words! We’re delighted to hear that you’re finding our website helpful and that the answers provided have been beneficial to you. We’re dedicated to offering accurate and insightful information to assist you in the best way possible. If you have any more questions or need further assistance, don’t hesitate to reach out. Your satisfaction is our motivation to keep delivering valuable content. Thank you for being a part of our community!

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