
Determiners For Class 5

A determiner is a word that modifies, describes or introduces a noun phrase or pronoun expression to clarify nouns and to indicate quantity or number.

Types of Determiners

There are seven types of determiners:-

  1. Articles
  2. Demonstrative determiners
  3. Distributive determiners
  4. Possessive determiners
  5. Quantifiers
  6. Interrogative determiners

Let’s discuss each type of determiner in detail.

1. Articles

Articles are words that introduce nouns. It combines with nouns to form noun phrases.

There are two types of articles:-

(a) Definite Article – The

The is used before the specific noun that is unique or known. It represents a person, place, or thing.


  1. The Earth revolves around the sun.
  2. Children are playing in the park.
  3. Naina is on the way to the town.
  4. The Boys are doing rehearsals for an annual function.
  5. Navya is standing near the clinic.

(b) Indefinite Articles – a, an

A and an are used before singular countable nouns.


  1. She is wearing a piece of expensive jewellery.
  2. He always eats an egg early morning.
  3. Sheetal wearing a beautiful dress.
  4. Pihu is an intelligent girl.
  5. Her mother bought a new washing machine.

2. Demonstrative Determiners

Demonstrative determiners indicate a specific particular thing or demonstrate a specific point in a sentence. That, these, those, that are some demonstrative determiners.


  1. These are my pencils.
  2. He is looking for those shoes that his friend was wearing yesterday.
  3. This is a beautiful saree.
  4. Is this your favourite game?
  5. Can you eat those green chilies?
  6. These dresses are so costly.
  7. Aarti is too late that she cannot go to the cinema.
  8. This is my favourite place.
  9. He is young that does not mean he can smoke.
  10. These pens lying on the floor are mine.

3. Distributive Determiners

Distributive determiners are words that refer to a group or individual people or objects in a group. Either, all, Each, half, both, neither are some distributive determiners.


  1. Each of the students had to submit two charts tomorrow.
  2. Every child in the house is going on a vacation.
  3. Either he should believe or recognize the situation.
  4. Both the boys are fighting in the class.
  5. Each day of the exam is so different.
  6. All the ideas are related to the party.
  7. Neither of them is a good writer.
  8. Half of the class is absent today.
  9. All the students in the class participated in the function.
  10. Either of them can join us at the party tomorrow.

4. Possessive determiners

The possessive determiners describe or indicate something to show possessions and ownership in a sentence. My, yours, his, our, her and their are possessive determiners.


  1. He forgot his bag on the bus.
  2. Naira is washing her clothes.
  3. I thought my purse is lost.
  4. Keep these books in your bag.
  5. This house belongs to my friend.
  6. Is this bag belong to her?
  7. This is our favourite game.
  8. Their house is near the Market.
  9. She is wearing her watch.
  10. These all are my chocolates.

5. Quantifiers

Quantifiers determiners refer to the quantity of something expressed in a particular amount of degree in a sentence. Much, some, any, enough, several, are quantifier determiners.


  1. He wants all the chocolate from his brother.
  2. She has a lot of money to spend.
  3. She asked for some rice from her mother.
  4. Naina has a few coins in her pocket.
  5. He wants a little salt in his food.
  6. His Father buys most of the stationery items.
  7. There are enough pens on the shelf.
  8. Dhruv practiced writing several times in the exams.
  9. There are many fruits in the kitchen.
  10. How much water does he need?

6. Interrogative Determiners

Interrogative determiners modify or indicate a noun phrase in a direct or indirect question. What, which, whom, and whose are some interrogative determiners.


  1. Which cartoon do you watch the most?
  2. What subject of books do you want to purchase?
  3. Whose book is lost from the class?
  4. Which is your favourite spot to hang out?
  5. What are you thinking about this answer?
  6. Which is your house?
  7. Do you know whose idea it was?
  8. What is the problem disturbing you again and again?
  9. Which sports do you like most?
  10. Whose shoes are by the door?

Determiners Worksheet for Class 5

Exercise: 1

Complete the sentence using the articles a, an, and the.

  1. Today it’s ________ very nice day.
  2. Manya is reading ________ novel.
  3. Mr. Sharma is ________ engineer.
  4. Are they going for ________ trip?
  5. Naina buys _______ new dress.
  6. Savita is eating ________ apple.
  7. He lost ________ bag of his friend.
  8. The family is having________ get together.
  9. Pihu wants to buy ________ expensive necklace.
  10. ________ sky has gathered clouds.


  1. A
  2. The
  3. An
  4. A
  5. A
  6. An
  7. The
  8. A
  9. An
  10. The

Exercise: 2

Complete the sentences with the Demonstrative determiners.

  1. He wants to buy ________ car.
  2. He asks him to put ________ boxes in the car.
  3. ________ are my favourite beautiful flowers.
  4. Does he like ________ image?
  5. Nikita wants to buy _______dress.
  6. He never repeats ________ abusive words again.
  7. Neha helps _______ poor children.
  8. ________ are my books.
  9. Put ________ pen in my cupboard
  10. He thinks ________ he can win the quiz.


  1. This
  2. These
  3. Those
  4. This
  5. This
  6. That
  7. Those
  8. These
  9. These
  10. That

Exercise: 3

Computer the sentences with distributive determiners.

  1. ________ you buy it or don’t.
  2. ________ boy in the class had to sing a song.
  3. The newspaper is published on ________ day.
  4. ________ coffee or tea is fine.
  5. ________ teacher in school had to attend the seminar.
  6. ________ you complete it nor will get punishment.
  7. Riya and Saira ________ are intelligent girls.
  8. These ________ students are responsible for this work.
  9. There is ________ book found in my shelf.
  10. ________ his friends will come to school.


  1. Either
  2. Each
  3. Every
  4. Either
  5. Every
  6. Neither
  7. Both
  8. All
  9. Any
  10. Neither

Exercise: 4

Complete the sentences with the possessive determiners.

  1. Pihu is ________ best friend.
  2. He met ________ on the way to school.
  3. Ramesh lost ________ favourite shoes in the temple.
  4. Reena is carrying ________ favourite purse.
  5. Is this ________ friend book?
  6. Students have ________ their work.
  7. This is ________ favourite cartoon.
  8. She buys ________ dresses from this shop.
  9. These are ________ stuff lying down.
  10. Prakash likes driving ________ car.


  1. My
  2. Him
  3. His
  4. Her
  5. Your
  6. Their
  7. Our
  8. Her
  9. Mine
  10. His

Exercise: 5

Complete the sentences with quantifiers.

  1. He asked for ________ tea.
  2. How ________ papers are required to make this?
  3. Naina adds ________ salt to her Dal.
  4. Manika had ________ time to spend with you.
  5. He buys a ________ of things from the market.
  6. Only ________ students understood the topic.
  7. His father asked ________ time to complete his work.
  8. There are ________ students who did not complete their homework regularly.
  9. His teacher gave him ________ homework today.
  10. There is ________ key found on the floor.


  1. Some
  2. Many
  3. Little
  4. Enough
  5. Lots
  6. Few
  7. Several
  8. Some
  9. Less
  10. Any

Exercise: 6

Complete the following sentences with interrogative determiners.

  1. ________ ice cream do you want to eat?
  2. ________ notebook is this without cover?
  3. From ________ shop do you buy this necklace?
  4. ________ pencil box is yours?
  5. ________ did he mean to speak?
  6. ________ exam is next?
  7. ________ room is the cleanest?
  8. _______ happened to Alexa?
  9. _______ team are you supporting?
  10. ________ pen do you prefer for writing ball or gell?


  1. Which
  2. Whose
  3. Whose
  4. Which
  5. What
  6. Which
  7. Whose
  8. What
  9. Whose
  10. Which

Also read: Prefix and Suffix for Class 5

Determiners for Class 5 PDF

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