
Descriptive Essay on Lost in the Forest 

So I stood there, not knowing what was going on around me in a place I had never been before. Being alone in the woods with nothing but a sharp knife is a bad situation, but I had no alternative; I was lost.

I knew that the first thing I had to do was build a shelter, which would protect me from the weather and any predators. Next, I would have to find an adequate food supply to last until I was found. So I looked for a suitable location. After walking for hours, I came across a stream that could be a good source of endless food. By spring, the fish will start to breed, and by the end of the nesting season, the young animals will be out feeding and drinking in the stream.

This would also be an excellent place to build my shelter. The location of the stream area has an open space, so it can be a perfect place to stay close and an excellent place to start a signal fire large enough to be easily seen in the air. I have made a basic shelter. I have made a general dependence on the branches I found lying. First, I found two very tall trees with branches about five to six feet from the ground.

Next, I took the branches lying on the ground and attached them to the trees. Since the frame was in place, I began to add to the frame by placing some additions on top of the support beams to form a back wall and placing leaves and grass on top to prevent rain. After finishing the canopy, I covered it with leaves and grass to make a soft place to lie down. Since my house was finished, I decided that now would be an excellent time to get something to eat. I first tried the old Indian fishing method with my hands; yes, I held their hands, and I was lucky.

So I decided to get the latest, take some chopsticks, and put them in a fish trap. I put a surprise in the water between two large rocks to not float. With my catch in place, I started to light two fires. One fire you can use as a symbol of fire, and the other you cook with. After a few hours, I gathered firewood, started looking at my trap, and had 3 beautiful basses. After cleaning the fish, I put them on the fire to cook, and I sat down to rest after the first long day. I’ll sleep well tonight, or think so. I slept until I heard a noise I did not want to hear on my first night. I listened to the giant bear I had ever seen.

Standing on its hind legs, it must have stood eight feet [8 m] high. I quickly climbed into one of the trees I had often leaned. The bear saw me and hurried my way, but fifteen feet tall in the tree could not reach me. The bear stayed in my camp all night and walked away just before sunrise. Because of the long day and night behind me, I decided to lie down for a while before starting my second day alone. After falling asleep, I got up and looked at my fish trap and, this time, I had only one fish in the web.

I needed food to clean the fish and cook it. After the meal, I was still hungry, so I started looking for food. I made a small spear to capture some small game using my knife, but what I found could be very helpful. I saw a deer that seemed to have broken its back trying to jump over a pile of logs. This will give me plenty of meat to live on, and I can use deerskin as a cover during the cold nights. While the deer was still alive, I took my knife and cut off my throat, a form of cruelty that I know, but I saw it as a murderous act. The poor man is always suffering, so I take him out of his misery.

Fresh meat from the color would be what I needed to fill my stomach and keep me at least all day. After taking the heart and skin, I began to dispose of all the other animals in areas far from my camp to avoid any predators. After eating and removing the remaining deer, I rested for a while and just took a nice spot around me. Lost in the woods may seem like a tragedy to many, and it had already happened at the beginning of this journey, but by then, twenty-four hours had begun to grow in me. I think it’s probably the closest thing to God I’ve ever had. You sit and watch the birds fly, and you see the little animals roaming about and watching the trees move by the wind. I could search my whole life and never see things like this again.

As my second day drew to a close, and as the sun began to set in the distance behind the hills, I decided to build my signal fire back, hoping it would show. When it got dark, I turned around at night, hoping I would sleep better than before. While I was asleep, I began to hear a loud noise, more than a bear’s roar. When I looked at my dependence on what it could be, I saw a small light about a mile below the river bed. As I got closer, I saw that it was a helicopter. I immediately threw lots of leaves on my fire to light them up so they could see me. Their light quickly illuminated me, and I was found, tears welling up in my eyes because I knew I would be safe at home.

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