
Descriptive Essay on Kite Flying

Here, you will learn how to write a descriptive essay on kite flying by this example.


The kite festival is one of India’s most enjoyable events. In most regions of India, it is also known as Makar Sankranti. It is considered to be one of the most auspicious days in Hindu culture. The people pay homage to Lord Sun on this special day. A large number of people bathe in the sacred river Ganga. It is the day Bhishma Pitahmah has been waiting for, the day he will depart from this earthly coil. The kite festival is celebrated in a variety of cultural forms, with much faith, excitement, and enjoyment. Kite flying is popular in China and Japan. It is now celebrated all over the world.

Meaning of Makar Sankranti

According to the Indian calendar, the festival of Uttarayan marks the start of the transition from winter to summer. For farmers, it is a sign that the sun has returned and that harvest season is approaching, which is known as Makara Sankranti. This is one of the most important harvest days in India. Many cities in Gujarat held kite competitions among their residents, in which everyone competed against one another.

Patang is the Hindi translation of kite. As a result, in India, the celebration is also known as Patang Utsav. In several parts of northern India, Patang is also known as Guddi. People fly kites with a particular thread known as Manjha. These kites are often constructed from thin paper and bamboo strips. Kites made of plastic are also utilized. They are quite appealing.

This kite-flying festival is celebrated on January 14 in our region of the country. People of all ages (boys, girls, and often grown-up men and women) were busy flying kites early that morning. They are holding large reels of multicoloured thread in their hands. If a finger gets in its route, it will be severely sliced. On Makar Sankranti, the Sun begins its ascension and enters the northern hemisphere, indicating an episode in which the Gods appear to tell their offspring that “Tamaso Ma Jyotir “Gamaya” means “may you continue to rise.” There is always more light, and there is never any darkness.


There is a story behind why Makar Sankranti is celebrated throughout India. Sun pays a visit to his son Shani, the swami of Makar Rashi, on this day. Both father and son do not get along, but Lord Sun makes it a point to meet them on this day. The Lord Sun pays a month’s visit to his son’s home. This encounter between Lord Sun and his son Shani highlighted the significance of the particular relationship between father and son. It is the son’s job to carry on his father’s dream.

Kite festival in India

It is commonly known that in many regions of our country, Makar Sankranti is also known as the kite festival. Although kite festivals are celebrated throughout India, Gujarat and Jaipur in Rajasthan are especially well-known for their kite festivals. Every year, Jaipur hosts an international kite festival. Gujarat celebrates about 200 festivals each year. The International Kite Festival (Uttarayan) is one of the most important festivals. Homes in Gujarat start making kites for the event months before the festival. Makar Sankranti is prominent in Rajasthan, whilst Utran (derived from Uttarayan) is popular in Gujarat. The Kite festival is celebrated on Vishwakarma Puja in Kolkata.

There will be kite-cutting matches on the occasion of this celebration. A kite swoops down and collides with another kite. There is a raucous squeal of delight. When the strings of the two kites become intertwined, they begin sawing each other. The kites gradually split and are sent bobbing away. It has been shaved! Children rush, leap, and dance with poles in their hands, attempting to retrieve the string of a downed kite.

The kite festival has a significant impact on people’s health. This festival takes place during the winter season. In the winter, the sun’s rays are quite beneficial to one’s health. As a result, Indians of all ages enjoy a winter sunbath. Kite flying is an excellent technique to get direct sunlight. This celebration encourages individuals to enjoy a sunbath on rooftops or open areas. It both entertains and strengthens people’s arm muscles. It is a fantastic leg and eye exercise.


People have been looking forward to this festival for a long time. When this holiday arrives, the people celebrate it with tremendous fanfare and spectacle. This celebration brightens everyone’s day. The good times continue all day. Kites of various sizes, colours, and quality are purchased from stores and then flown in the sky. When kites of various colours fly, the sky appears attractive and pleasant. The sky appears to be teeming with colourful birds. It’s quite colourful. Not just the sky, but also the trees, are adorned with kites that have dropped over them. These scenes bring delight and happiness to the soul.

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