
Descriptive essay on Helper

We need many things in our daily lives; we can’t do everything for ourselves, so we need helpers to make life easier and more comfortable. Where these helpers are, People have a social status. Being part of a community, we reflect social behavior as well. Within our community, we take good care of a few others, and in that way, they warn us too.

A young person depends on his family for many of his needs. Parents, family members, and acquaintances care for your little one. Parents should be committed to teaching their children Etiquette and Morals in their communities. The moment he grows up to become a responsible person, he begins to work in several ways and needs the help of others. They are starting a project or doing a project. By the kind of work he can do, he becomes a great or direct helper to others in the community.

There are undoubtedly many helpers around us who want to end our daily lives. Our assistants can be divided into 2 categories:

Direct Helper

Indirect Helper

How can we define direct helpers?

The helpers who come to us regularly and who we usually talk to for their needs are called direct assistants. For example, Parents, friends, and neighbors would be the natural helpers. However, for the climber, a few direct assistants such as the security guard at the gate, the doctor, and the lawyer, Barber, Carpenter are open to offering their support when they are wanted.

How can we describe the indirect helpers?

Helpers who do not usually come directly to our contact but serve us indirectly are indirect assistants. To help out quickly, they take responsibility while the most critical Helper and negotiate with the person directly. To help now, you ask for help from someone else. This person becomes a vital helper. For example: – Police, soldiers, doctors, farmers, etc.

Why do we need several types of helpers?

Even as we may not be able to deliver most of our essential products from its inception such as new paper from the media, vegetables from farms, packaged food from factories and who can do all the work like buying our community, intelligence, offices themselves. Gate, supply of medicines while we are building and sick accommodation, etc., so we need people who can do those jobs for us all. Our wide variety of needs and inability to fulfill all our work motivates us to seek the excellent care of others.

The Role of the Helpers Around Us

The role of the doctor as a helper

The physician’s primary responsibility is the care and safety of all patients. Regardless of their role, doctors need to do the following. Medications close the gap between statistics and society. Indeed, applying scientific knowledge to human health is an essential aspect of clinical training. Doctors are critical agents in the scientific community. But medicine is more than our comprehension of the disease.

The role of the physician

The most important job of a Police Officer is to keep the law. This includes the safety of property and people. The police officer is responsible for patrolling the area and identifying situations where the law is violated. Functional authorities are very active within their circuits.

The role of the military man being Helper

Soldiers carry several things, from firing on enemies to digging for trenches. They are used to defend their country or to attack a foreign army. It isn’t easy, and the soldiers must remain in good health, both physically and emotionally.

The role of farmers

Farmers play a significant role in society; they nourish us, some of them are warm, and we are conservationists and their attitude. The commitment extends beyond their farms, livestock, and crops, with many enthusiastic “Lawyers” playing essential roles within their communities and society.

The role of the teacher

The teacher’s job is to teach, encourage, motivate, and educate students. Students can be of any age and on any desktop. However, teachers refer to those who teach young people of school age (approximately 418) for the guide. Teachers do several jobs in the school environment.


With the help of a few categories of employees with different responsibilities over us, we live a healthy and happy life. Although the teachers inform us, the doctor protects us from disease, and the police and the military prevent us. There are hundreds of different people who have a common reason for making our job more manageable. They work around the clock to help people in every way possible. With different types of people, we are very close. These dependencies and requirements extend our relationships with friends, family members, and the community.

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