
Descriptive Essay on Child labour


Childhood is the most intimate experience of a person’s life. It is a moment in life when the human foundations for a successful adult existence are laid. Many children are traumatized and tormented as a result of spending it in a carefree and fun-loving manner while studying and playing. Behave as if you would do anything to escape out of the prison of being controlled and tortured by others. They’d like to leave this planet, but they’re stuck where they are due to circumstance rather than choice. This is the true tale of child labour.

Children are employed by businesses and individuals to provide them with a productive environment. They are designed to work long hours and in hazardous factories, and they are occasionally required to lift loads that are more than their body weight. When they make a mistake, some people’s households hire children as domestic assistance and beat and torture them physically. Children are sometimes forced to starve and are given worn-out clothes to wear.

Millions of more youngsters in India have a similar storey to tell, which is both terrible and true. The average age for a youngster to be regarded as suitable for work is 15 years or older. Children under this age will not be permitted to engage in any forced labour. In some nations, child labour deprives children of the opportunity to have a normal upbringing, a suitable education, and physical and mental well-being. It’s outlawed, but it’s still a long way from being fully abolished.

Causes of Child Labour

Poverty and a lack of education are the two fundamental causes of the ever-increasing social evil of child labour.

Because parents consider their children to be money-making machines, they carry newborns to earn extra money on the street by begging. They then take beggars and eventually sell them to employers as they grow. This disease has spread across India. Child labour is caused by a variety of factors other than poverty and a lack of education.

Some of the reasons may be widespread in some countries, while others are exclusive to certain regions or countries.

To begin with, it occurs in nations with a high rate of unemployment rather than in those with a high rate of poverty. When a family’s earnings are insufficient, they put their children to work to ensure that they have enough money to survive. Similarly, if the elders in the family are unemployed, the children must fill their shoes. Furthermore, when people lack access to education, they would eventually force their children to work.

Because they are illiterate, they are only concerned with the short term outcome, which is why they force children to work to exist in the present. Then, as their parents are illiterate and let their children work at a young age, their children’s future will be the same.

Worst condition faced by Child Labour

After Africa, India has the world’s second-highest rate of child labour. Slavery or bonded child labour is one of the most harmful forms of employment for children. Despite the Indian parliament enacting the bonded labour system in 1976, this arrangement continues to exist. It is estimated that roughly 10 million bonded children labour as domestic servants in India, with nearly 55 million bonded child labours engaged across other countries.

The children are sold to moneylenders so that the borrowed funds can be repaid. Street children are another sort of child labour in which youngsters work on the streets as beggars, flower sellers, and so on rather than attending school. They are sometimes forced to go hungry for days on end for people to feel sorry for them and donate to charity. Child labour, combined with child abuse, has today become one of the world’s most serious problems.

Each year, statistics reveal an increase in the number of child maltreatment, particularly in the case of the girl child. To conceal the fact that a girl has been abused at home, she is sold to a city employer as domestic assistance or as a bride to an older man.

Eradication of Child Labour

According to the United Nations provision in article 32 of the Convention on the Rights of the Child and the International Labour Organization, child labour is to be regarded if State parties recognized the right of the child to be protected from economic exploitation and from performing any task that is likely to be dangerous to the children’s health. Education or be damaging to the child’s health, physical, mental, spiritual-moral, or social development.

If we want to end child labour, we need to come up with some effective solutions that will save our children. It will also improve the future of any country dealing with these social issues to bring with one can develop numerous unions that simply fight to avoid child labour it should support the youngsters engaging in this work and punish those who force them to do it.

Furthermore, we must keep parents informed to instil in them the value of education. If you make it tuition-free and raise public awareness, we will be able to educate an increasing number of youngsters who will not be forced to work as children. Furthermore, raising public awareness of the negative implications of child labour is essential. To eradicate, we must also implement family control measures.

The 1987 national policy on child labour sought to take a gradual and sequential approach, with a focus on the rehabilitation of minors working in dangerous occupations. The action plan stated the legislative Action Plan for stringent enforcement of the Child Labor Act and other labour laws.

Measures must be made not only to put a stop to this crime against children, but also to gradually, methodically, and consistently provide every child with a well-deserved healthy and normal upbringing.

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