
Conjunctions for class 6

Hello, readers welcome to performdigi.com for learning English Grammar Conjunctions for Class 6. here you will learn Types of conjunctions, rules, examples, etc. after learning the conjunctions you can download a pdf of conjunction for Grade/class 6. Free pdf you can share with your friends. so let’s start we’re going to learn conjunctions.

Conjunctions are the special words that are used to join or link two or more sentences, clauses, or phrases. They are used to connect the sentences without disturbing their meaning or their readability. Some of the words that are used as conjunctions are: and, but, so, because, yet, or, etc.

Examples of the conjunctions in the form of sentences:

  1. I have one dog and a cat.
  2. Rohan’s dad gave advice to him because he was discussing his problem with him.
  3. Raman had climbed on the tree when he was a kid.
  4. I am hungry but there is nothing to eat.
  5. I can meet you whenever you want.
  6. The train had already left when he reached the station.
  7. My family supports me so I could achieve my dreams.
  8. You can live here until my roommate comes.
  9. He can either buy a shirt or a pair of trousers.
  10. Mike can speak both Hindi and Marathi.

Types of Conjunctions For Class 6

All types of conjunctions perform the same type of functions i.e. connection of sentences but there are three types of conjunctions.

  1. Coordinating conjunctions
  2. Subordinating conjunctions
  3. Correlative conjunctions

Let us take a glance at each of them and discuss their importance in detail by solving some interesting exercises.

1. Coordinating Conjunctions

Coordinating conjunctions are used to join two or more sentences with equal preference or importance. Here are the words that are used as coordinating conjunctions – (FANBOYS – for, and, nor, but, or, yet, so).

Some examples of coordinating conjunctions

  1. Rashmi and Radha are best friends.
  2. Vani refuses to eat a carrot, nor will he touch the tomato.
  3. I hate to waste electricity, for it is very expensive these days.
  4. Rachel reached the station on time but the train was late.
  5. Sona reached the office earlier so she can complete her work.
Exercise on Coordinating Conjunctions

Let us practice coordinating conjunctions by solving this exercise. Use and, but, or, so, for in the following sentences given below

1. Weather was cold, he puts on a coat.
2. Ram tried to read a novel in German, it was too difficult.
3. To get from Sentosa to Hotel, you can fly, you can ride the ferry.
4. I bought a bottle of wine, we drank it together.
5. The waiter was not very nice,  the food was tasty.
6. I went to buy a DVD,  the shop didn’t have it.
7. Anna needed some money, she took a part-time job.
8. Ratan has a guitar, he plays it really well.


1. Weather was cold so he puts on a coat.
2. Ram tried to read a novel in German but it was too difficult.
3. To get from Sentosa to Hotel, you can fly or you can ride a horse.
4. I bought a bottle of cold drink and we drank it together.
5. The waiter was not very nice but the food was tasty.
6. I went to buy a DVD but the shop didn’t have it.
7. Anna needed some money so she took a part-time job.
8. Ratan has a guitar and he plays it really well.

2. Subordinating Conjunctions

Subordinating conjunctions are used to connect independent clauses with a dependent clause. Here are some of the words that are used as subordinating conjunctions – than, whether, as, although, after, till, until, when, where, once, since, while, though, if, etc.

Some of the examples of subordinating conjunctions

  1. My friends believe that I can become an actor.
  2. I trust Rohan because he is honest.
  3. My life will be blessed if I can help these poor children.
  4. He is older than me.
  5. I didn’t have any experience until I joined the company.
Exercise on Subordinating Conjunctions

Let us estimate our progress with this interesting exercise. Select the correct words to fill the blanks.

  1. We were happy ………………. we have bought a new car. (because, if)
  2. The parents were listening eagerly ……………….. the principal was speaking. (while, but)
  3. This is the place ………………. we were attacked. (when, where)
  4. ………………… he works hard, he will succeed. (even, if)
  5. You wait here ……………. I come. (until, if)
  6. She began to cry ………………… she had lost her golden chain. (but, because)
  7. ………………… you work hard, you will get the first prize. (If, Where)
  8. She became angry …………………. I had said anything. (if, before)


1. because
2. while
3. where
4. if
5. until
6. because
7. If
8. before

3. Correlative Conjunctions

Correlative conjunctions are used in pairs to connect the two sentences with equal value. There are seven types of pairs that are used as correlative conjunctionseither….or, not only…..but, neither….nor, both….and, whether….or, just as….so, both….and.

Some of the examples of correlative conjunctions

  1. Rachi is both intelligent and beautiful.
  2. Neither we won the world cup nor Olympic medals this year.
  3. You can either buy a video game or a toy.
  4. He is not only a doctor but is a motivational speaker.
  5. I treat both of you with love and care.
Exercise on Correlative Conjunctions

Let us apply the correlative conjunctions on the sentences given below.

  1. ______ Ram ________ Shyam went to school.
  2. ________ Vivek _________ Raju knows that I will arrive today.
  3. _________ Sam _________ Vivek will miss me.
  4. ________ I _________ my wife were worried about or children.
  5. They had come to check _________ I am attending classes _______ not.
  6. They __________ love me _________ also respect me.


1. Both, and
2. Neither, nor
3. Both, and
4. Both, and
5. whether, or
6. not only, but

Miscellaneous Exercise – I on Conjunctions for Class 6

  1. You will get success, you deserve it.
  2. Do not leave, I come.
  3. Since you have said, I must believe it.
  4. I shall be troubled, you do that.
  5. I hadn’t come, you did not call me.
  6. He is richer, him.
  7. Catch me, you have skills.
  8. He worked hard, he got to succeed.
  9. Radha waited, the train has arrived.
  10. You will not get success, you work harder.


  1. You will get success if you deserve it.
  2. Do not leave until I come.
  3. Since you have said so I must believe it.
  4. I shall be troubled if you do that.
  5. I hadn’t come because you did not call me.
  6. He is richer than him.
  7. Catch me if you have skills.
  8. He worked hard and he got to succeed.
  9. Radha waited till the train has arrived.
  10. You will not get success unless you work harder.


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Conjunctions for class 6



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