
Letter on Censorship on Cigarette Smoking Scenes in Indian Cinema

Hello friends, we are describing How to Write a Letter to the Editor about Censorship on Cigarette Smoking Scene in Indian Cinema.

Question: In this bid to educate people about the harmful effects of cigarette smoking, the Govt. of India has been taking serious steps to prevent it. A few years ago it ordered all cigarette manufacturing units to insert a statutory warning on cigarette packs. Now it is considering censorship of all cigarette smoking scenes in Indian cinema. Write a letter to the editor of a national daily giving your own views.

Examination Hall,

The Editor,
The Hindustan Times,
Kasturba Gandhi Marg,
New Delhi,
Subject: Censorship on Cigarette Smoking Scenes in Indian Cinema.


Please allow me to use some space in your esteemed paper about the government’s consideration to censor all cigarette smoking scenes in Indian cinema. As a conscientious citizen, I appreciate this step because smoking adversely affects our nervous system and asthma. All the more it affects the person who is sitting beside the smoker. More than 8,00,000 people die every year from smoking-related diseases. In a way, it is a slow poison and gateway to an early death.

Some preventative steps have been initiated by the government and a statutory warning is written. Smoking is injurious to heath but the addict finds it difficult to rid of this bad habit. As a part of this drive, the government is thinking to put a censor on all smoking scenes in Indian cinema. But it will remain a dream since the cinema exhibits life and society in the true form. Banning smoking on the screen is surely no answer to the problem. “No Tobacco Day” is celebrated every year to aware the public of its harmful effects. Three is a statutory warning on every cigarette packet but the results are not much fruitful.

In case the government is serious about its ban, it will be appropriate to close down the cigarette manufacturing units and put a ban on tobacco production. Let us wait and see the wisdom of government in this regard. No smoking regions should be declared to save humanity.

Thanking you,
Yours faithfully,

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Write a Letter to the Editor about Censorship on Cigarette Smoking Scenes in Indian Cinema – Download PDF

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