
Biographical Sketch Writing for Class 5 With Answers

In this big world, every person has a unique story to tell. A biographical sketch is like a little peek into someone’s life story. It helps us understand who they are, what they’ve been through, and what makes them special. Whether it’s learning about famous people from history or just writing about someone you know, biographical sketches show us how amazing and diverse people’s lives can be.

Here are some Biographical Sketch Writing for Class 5 with answers.

Question 1 – Biographical Sketch of Dhyan Chand

Using the information  given below, write the Bio-sketch of Dhyan Chand, India’s greatest hockey player and Captain, in about 100 words.

Name : Major Dhyan Chand Singh
Born : 29 August , 1905, Allahabad
Known as : Dhyan Chand
Profession : Army officer, Hockey Player, Coach
Qualities : Was an expert at dribbling the ball
Achievements : (a)Made 14 goals in 1928 Amsterdam
                 (b) Helped India to win 3 Olympics gold medals.
                 (c) Greatest captain of the Indian hockey team.
                 (d) His birthday is celebrated as National Sports Day in India.
After retirement : Became coach of the Indian hockey team.
Awards : Three gold medals in Olympics Padma Shri in 1956.
Autobiography : Goal
Died : 3 December 1979.


Major Dhyan Chand Singh is considered to be the best hockey player of all time. He was popularly called Dhyan Chand. He was born on 29 August, 1905 in Allahabad. He was Army Officer, Hockey player and coach. He was an expert at dribbling the ball. He has many achievements like he made 14 goals in 1928 Amsterdam, he helped India to win 3 Olympics gold medals, he was the greatest captain of the Indian hockey team. His birthday is celebrated as National Sports Day in India. After retirement he became coach of the Indian hockey team. He got three gold medals in the Olympics. He was awarded the Padma Shri in 1956. His autobiography is named “Goal”. He died on 3rd December, 1979.

Question 1 – Biographical Sketch of Jane Goodall

Using the information  given below, write the Bio-sketch of Jane Goodall, A British Scientist, in about 100 words.

Name : Jane Goodall
Born on : 3rd April 1944
Parents’ names : Mortimer Herbert Morrisa and Margaret Joseph
Siblings : one sister, Judith
Profession : British Scientist
Field of study : Chimpanzee behaviour
Recognition : UN Messenger of Peace conferred with the Dame Commander of the Most Excellent order of
British Empire in 2004
Founded : Jane Goodall Institute, a global non-profit organisation to empower people in making a difference in the world


Jane Goodall, a British scientist, was born on April 3, 1944, to Mortimer Herbert Morrisa and Margaret Joseph. She had one sister, Judith. Jane became famous for studying chimpanzees and their behaviour in Tanzania, Africa, starting in the 1960s. She is a UN Messenger of Peace, which means she works for global harmony. In 2004, she was given the title of Dame Commander of the Most Excellent Order of the British Empire for her outstanding work. Jane not only studied chimpanzees but also founded the Jane Goodall Institute. This organisation helps people make a positive difference in the world. It focuses on conservation and sustainable practices to protect our planet. She continues to inspire people worldwide to take care of the Earth and its creatures.