
Best Books for Personal Development

We have hundreds of YouTube videos explaining personal development and self-improvement in today’s world. Thousands of experienced people are creating content on this topic. But have you ever wondered how they started? How did they realize it was time for self-growth? Are there any of the other steps they followed in their journey? Are you a victim of all these questions? Do not worry; we have good news for you. You can start your development journey by applying the age-old method, by reading Best Books for Personal Development.

It is rightly said- “You are never alone if you have a book by your side. Just like people on YouTube have exciting stories to tell, likewise, hundreds and thousands of books written will help you improve yourself in all aspects.

To know our top picks, keep on reading, Best Books for Personal Development:-

1. The power of positive thinking by Norman Vincent Peale

For most people who reach a high level of success, attitude plays a significant role in their journey. You can never get hit with a non-disciplined mind. You need to reassure yourself that you are constantly enough. Self-believe plays an important role. How can you conquer all these thoughts? With your brain. It is the most powerful thing you own. 

No single person in this world can achieve success if they are not ready to change their attitude towards life and people. It is rightly said- that our brain is not designed to store negative information. For example- I tell you not to think of an apple; your brain will automatically picture an apple. Whatever you feed your brain, you become.

2. Getting things done: The Art of Stress-free Productivity by David Allen 

If you are not an organized person from born, reading this book can be life-changing. David Allen gives some solid advice on various aspects of life. The book comes with a solution to all the chaos life throws at you, and it tells beautifully how you can tackle the situations. You cannot follow all the things mentioned in this book, but you can certainly shed light on a few and incorporate those habits religiously. Self-growth and personal development are a matter of choice. To succeed in life, you must make some wise choices. The one you can start is by incorporating good habits in your life. 

3. The 4-Hour Workweek by Timothy Ferriss

The person is known for hosting an expectational podcast, and some of the best podcasts are always trending on YouTube. The author tries to tell us that we do not have to work day and night to achieve success. By planning, prioritizing, and executing rightly, we can get ahead with a lot of time in our lives. But there is one drawback of this book; this book is not suited for people who have a 9-5 job lifestyle. A significant part of the book focuses on freelance and business lifestyles. If you wish to gain knowledge in that domain, you might love this book.

4. Crush it! Why is now the Time to Cash in on your passion by Gary Vaynerchuk

We can rightly say he is the man of his word. Gary Vaynerchuk is also one of the top YouTubers, business advisors, and podcasters. The person believes that whatever we wish to do in life, we must do it now. He advises people in their twenties to experiment as much as they can. Because time never returns. 

By reading this book, most people have realized the power of social media and how it can benefit us. But the good portion of the book is about following your dreams and making the best of your life. Must be read by everyone. 

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