
Best Biographies books | All Time Lovable

Best Biographies books are written about the subject by an author, that author may be a friend or a family member or in some cases, a person who does research.

Best biographies books do not just tell the person’s story; it is just like reading about their lives and getting lost in them. There is always a scope for learning from others’ points of view. It gives you a different narrative. 

You may get overwhelmed with your choices in reading which biography to read. We have curated a list of some of the best memoirs you can choose from your interest. Reading about someone’s else life is always leisure. We are providing a few best Biographies books 

Happy reading, Best Biographies books Help you to change your path  

1. E=mc2: A biography of the World’s Most Famous Equation -by David Bodanis

This is a biography of the world’s most famous personality and one of a kind. Einstein does follow the history of the equation itself. From the origins and development of its elements (energy, mass, and light) to their ramifications in the twentieth century, Bodanis turns what could be an arid subject into engaging fare for readers of all stripes. He defines the true meaning of E=mc2. Without sliding into easy psychobiography, Bodanis explores other circumstances, namely, Einstein’s background and character, which combined with a sterling intelligence to afford him a unique view of the way things work–an idea that would change the world.


2. Steve Jobs by Walter Isaacson

Steve Jobs is a co-founder of Apple, whose inventions remain the greatest. Walter Isaacson interviewed Steve jobs forty times and more than a hundred friends and family members. Steve Jobs always wanted to make it big in his life. He faced many hardships throughout his journey. He started Apple with his friend; when the company turned into a Fortune 500, then the board members of Apple abandoned him. When the downfall of Apple came, Steve Jobs was again appointed as the CEO of Apple. The book consists of his life stories, truths, hardships, and happy moments.

3. A song for Nagasaki: The story of Takashi Nagai: Scientist, convert, and Survivor of the Atomic Bomb by Paul Glynn

Takashi Nagai was a survivor of the atomic bomb dropped on Nagasaki in 1945. He was a renowned scientist and spiritual man; Nagai continued to live in his city despite suffering from leukemia while still helping physically and spiritually. Takashi was dedicated to giving selfless service, and his story is deeply moving because of his sufferings, forgiveness, and survival. 

4. Ida: A Sword among Lions by Paula J. Giddings 

The readers adore this award-winning biography of Ida B. Wells. The story is about a black woman in America who became an activist and suffered immense abuse during her lifetime. Ida traveled the country, exposing and opposing lynching by reporting on the horrific acts and telling the stories of victims’ communities and families. In her early years in America, a black woman needed to suffer a lot. She was an activist rightly fighting for her rights as a citizen of America. It is a must-read for everyone.


5. Obachan: A young girl’s struggle for freedom in 20th century Japan by Tani Hanes

Her granddaughter writes the book. This biography of Mitsuko Hanamura is a fantastic journey of a powerful woman. In 1929 I war times Mitsuko was sent away to live with relatives at 13 and 15, and she was forced to work in labor. But she wanted to pursue education and her independence and fought for it. It is an inspirational story and emotional because she preserves against the abuse.

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