
Best Algorithm Books 

In computer programming terms, the best algorithm books are a set of well-defined instructions to solve a particular problem. It takes a set of inputs and proceeds to a group of desired outputs. For example,

An algorithm can add two numbers:

  • Take two number inputs 
  • Add numbers using the addition operator 

Then Display the result

There are various qualities of the best algorithm books; input and output should be defined precisely, each step-in algorithm should be unambiguous, algorithms should be most effective among different ways to solve a problem, an algorithm should not include a specific computer code, it should work that way so that it could work in all the languages. 

An algorithm is a set of instructions for solving a problem or accomplishing a task. Every computerized device uses algorithms, which cut the time required to do things manually. 

Now to understand these things, you need books to read. We have curated a list of our top picks. 

Best Five Algorithm Books

  1. Grokking Algorithms by Aditya Bhargava
  2. Introduction to Algorithms Eastern economy edition
  3. Algorithms by Robert Sedgewick and Kevin Wayne 
  4. Algorithm Unlocked (The MIT Press) by Thomas Cormen 
  5. The master of Algorithm by Pedro Domingos        

1. Grokking Algorithms by Aditya Bhargava

Aditya Bhargava writes this book. This book will find how to use simple algorithms and solve daily life problems. You can start with sorting and searching. 

This book also helps you tackle more complex issues like data comparisons. Each solution includes full-fledged diagrams and well-designed code in Python. At the end of the book, you learn about applying the algorithms and how to use them.


2. Introduction to Algorithms Eastern economy edition 

Introduction to algorithms book includes a wide range of algorithms in depth. Every chapter in this book is easily written and can be used as self-study material. The algorithms are described in English and pseudocode. The book offers study material for dynamic programming and greedy algorithms and a new notion of edge-based flow. The book also contains many exercises, problems, and solutions that one can practice and be efficient with programming in no time. You can practice from this book every day.

3. Algorithms by Robert Sedgewick and Kevin Wayne 

Robert Sedgewick and Kevin Wayne write this book. This book covers all essential algorithms and teaches you about searching, sorting, graph processing, and string processing. This book includes an algorithm everyone can use on daily bases. The book is so well written that it encourages everyone to learn. It is written in easy language s that a person who is new at learning can also understand every word. Both authors are highly educated and experienced in computer science and Technology, and they encourage everyone to keep learning. 


4. Algorithm Unlocked (The MIT Press) by Thomas Cormen 

The book Algorithm unlocked is written by Thomas Cormen. The book provides a general explanation with limited mathematics of how algorithms are used in our day-to-day life and how we can use them to solve computer problems. This book will find simple methods to search for information on a computer. In this book, you will learn basic principles of cryptography and fundamentals of data compression as well. The book includes a good amount of reasoning questions and solutions to them, which will be completed in a reasonable amount of time. 

5. The master of Algorithm Pedro Domingos

Pedro Domingos writes the master of Algorithm. 

This is an insightful book. It gives us a sneak peek at the machines used by Google, Amazon, Apple, Netflix, and our smartphones. The book includes various case studies and discusses what it will mean for business, science, and Technology. The book consists of machine learning, The Master Algorithm, and Learning without a teacher. The book is very creative, and it won’t bore anyone interested in knowing a lot of stuff in less time. Must buy for all the geeks out there.

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