
Articles for Class 3 Vowels and Consonants, Examples, Worksheet with Answer

Definition of Vowels: Words that begin with the sound A, E, I, O, and U, have ‘an’ before them. These letters are vowels.

Examples: an axe, an elephant, an igloo, and an uncle.

Definition of Consonants: Words that begin with the sound of letters another than A, E, I, O, and U, and have ‘a’ before them.  These letters are consonants.

Examples: a ball, a car, a kite.

Uses of ‘a‘ and ‘an

1. A  article is used with a singular noun beginning with a consonant. 


  • I own a dog and two cats. 
  • A pink cloth is kept on the table.

2. An article is used before singular noun beginning with a vowel (a, e, i, o, u)


  • An apple is kept in the fridge.
  • Buy an umbrella from the store.

Use of ‘THE’

1. The is used before countable as well as uncountable nouns.


  1. The curtains are very expensive. (Countable noun)
  2. The water is very cold. (Uncountable noun)

2. The is used before a noun o make it special or particular.


  1. The student is very naughty.
  2. The red mango is sour.

3. The is used before nouns with consonants as well as vowel sounds.


  1. The school is quite far from the bus stop.
  2. The apples that I bought were ripe.

Worksheet/Exercise on articles for class 3

Hi, students or teachers here you will find the articles worksheet for class 3 with answers. 

Worksheet – 1: Write ‘a’ or ‘an’ before each word.

  1. ______ kangaroo
  2. ______ Octopus
  3. ______ dog
  4. ______ elephant
  5. ______ bag
  6. ______ ant
  7. ______ ice cream
  8. ______ Puppy
  9. ______ Apple
  10. ______ box


  1. A
  2. AN
  3. A
  4. AN
  5. A
  6. AN
  7. AN
  8. A
  9. AN
  10. A

Worksheet – 2: Article fill in the Blank With ‘a’, ‘an’, or ‘the’ class 3

  1. I am eating ______ apple.
  2. Meena went to ______ park.
  3. My sister wants ______ Egg.
  4. Reema sent ______  letter.
  5. We went to ______ island.
  6. Rakesh has ______ Pencil box.
  7. ______ owl can see in the dark.
  8. Amar is ______ doctor.
  9.  Grandpa loves to read ______ Gita every day.
  10. Mr. Ram is ______ headmaster of his school.


  1. AN
  2. A
  3. AN
  4. A
  5. AN
  6. A
  7. AN
  8. A
  9. THE
  10. THE

Worksheet – 3: Fill in the blanks with ‘a’ or ‘an’ for class 3

  1. There is _______ dog.
  2. It is ________ igloo. 
  3.  That is _______ bike.
  4. She ate _______ orange.
  5. I have ________ exam tomorrow.
  6. She is ________ intelligent girl. 
  7. He was buying _______ car.
  8. Today is _______ pleasant day.
  9. Yesterday we bought _______ new house.
  10. He is singing ________ song. 


  1. A
  2. An
  3. A
  4. An
  5. An
  6. An
  7. A
  8. A
  9. A
  10. A

Worksheet – 4: Highlight the correct articles 

  1. They took a/an hour to return.
  2. Thy were working on a/an office project.
  3. The/a Gateway of India is in Mumbai.
  4. Close the/a door please.
  5. The/a Burj Khalifa is the tallest building.
  6. She lives in a/an village.
  7. I want to ride a/the bike.
  8. Please return me a/the phone.
  9. The/a mother of Riya is a great artist.
  10.  A/the grapes are ripe.


  1. An
  2. An
  3. The
  4. The
  5. The
  6. A
  7. The
  8. The
  9. The
  10. The

Worksheet – 5: Fill in the blanks with suitable article

  1. I have _____ wallet and ______ ice pack.
  2. Give me ______ fruit.
  3. I want ______ ice-cream.
  4. ______ moon is bright today.
  5. ______ tea in _____ pot is hot.
  6. There is ______ dog.
  7. There is ______ bird sitting on tree.
  8. Look at _____ sun shining bright. 
  9. There is ______ bowl full of chocolates kept on _____ table.
  10. She is _______ honest girl. 


  1. A, an
  2. A
  3. An
  4. The
  5. The, the
  6. A
  7. A
  8. The
  9. A, the
  10. An

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