
Adverbs For Class 3

Definition of adverb for class 3rd: Adverbs are words that explain more about verbs, it qualifies the verbs. Basically, it tells us how the action was done.


    1. Suhani danced gracefully.
    2. Mary sang badly.
    3. The science quiz was held in the stadium.
    4. Sandy rides the bicycle carelessly.
    5. He is will be reaching the office at 11 o’clock.

In the above sentences:

In the first sentencegracefully qualifies us for how Suhani danced. It tells us extra things about the verb ‘dance’. So here adverb is gracefully.

In the second sentencebadly qualifies us as how Mary sang. It tells us extra things about the verb ‘sing’. So here adverb is badly.

In the third sentencestadium qualifies us as where the quiz was held. It tells us extra things about the verb ‘held’. So here adverb is stadium.

In the fourth sentencecarelessly qualifies us for how Sandy rides the bicycle. It tells us extra things about the verb ‘rides’. So here adverb is carelessly.

In the fifth sentence “11 o’clock” qualifies us as to when will he reach the office. It tells us more about the verb ‘reaching’. So here the adverb is ‘11 o’clock’.

List of adverbs

well, hard, fast , softly, bravely, slowly, quietlytoday, yesterday, later, now, soon, early, today, last year, all day, sometimes, never, often, yearlyup, down, near, far, everywhere, around, here, there, nearby, downstairs, upstairs

5 Examples of Adverbs for Class 3

  1. The lion ran swiftly and caught the pig.
  2. The mynas are chirping loudly.
  3. The mother quietly exits the room after the baby was asleep.
  4. Grandpa eagerly waits for his grandson.
  5. The peacock happily danced in the rain.

Use of Adverbs in sentences:

  1. How does the bulb glow?
    The bulb glows brightly.
  2. How does a warrior fight?
    A warrior fights bravely.
  3. How does it hail?
    It hails heavily.
  4. How does the dog bark?
    It barks loudly.
  5. How does a bulbul sing?
    A bulbul sings sweetly.
  6. How does a leopard run?
    A leopard runs fastly.

Adverbs Worksheet for Class 3

Exercise – 1

Underline the adverbs in the following sentences:-

  1. She ran quickly from the room.
  2. He ate all the chocolates fastly.
  3. Her dress is so beautifully designed.
  4. They do not take the problem seriously.
  5. My grandmother smiled cheerfully.
  6. She is going nearby market.
  7. She speaks very softly.
  8. The work had finished by them easily.
  9. Neha was deeply hearted by his words.
  10. Sohan always buys chocolates for the kids.


  1. quickly
  2. fastly
  3. beautifully
  4. seriously
  5. cheerfully
  6. nearby
  7. softly
  8. easily
  9. deeply
  10. always

Exercise – 2 

Fill in the blanks:-

    1.   My grandmother talks _____.
    2.   Sita does her work ______.
    3.  The babies are sleeping. Please speak ______.
    4.  Sanju solves the mathematics problem ________.
    5.  Children listening to story _______.
    6.  The deer ran ______ and escaped.
    7. She completed her work _______.
    8. Her work is done _______.
    9. Pranali always goes to school _______.
    10. He is going to watch a movie _______.


  1. slowly
  2. neatly
  3. slowly
  4. properly
  5. eagerly
  6. fastly
  7. slowly
  8. nicely
  9. regularly
  10. tomorrow

Exercise – 3

Try to fill in the given options:-

  1. Yesterday the sun was shining _______.
  2. The baby cried _______ when he lost his toy.
  3. Sonali runs very _______.
  4. The lion jumped _______.
  5. The soldiers fought _______ but didn’t win the battle.
  6. We should speak _______.
  7. He does not do his work _______.
  8. Sonali danced so _______.
  9. I am getting late. Let me walk _______.
  10. Mohit can speak French _______.


  1. Brightly
  2. gracefully
  3. bravely
  4. properly
  5. fluently
  6. rapidly
  7. badly
  8. politely
  9. fastly
  10. highly

PDF for Class 3 Adverbs

Adverbs for class 3 Adverbs-for-class-3.pdf (918 downloads )

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