
50+ Nouns That Start With H – Common & Unique Examples

Nouns Beginning With H

Hello students, Today, we’re going to explore nouns start with H. What are the examples of nouns, you might wonder? Nouns are words that describe people, places, things, or animals. They can be common nouns, proper nouns, abstract nouns, or collective nouns. Each type of noun has a unique role in our sentences. Now, we will look at some examples of nouns and understand each type.

Some Commonly Used Nouns Beginning With H

Nouns help us talk about everything around us and share our thoughts with others. Here is a list of commonly known nouns that start with H.

1. Hat: A head covering.
Example: She wore a wide-brimmed hat to shield her face from the sun.

2. House: A building for human habitation.
Example: They bought a new house in the suburbs for their growing family.

3. Heart: An organ that pumps blood through the body.
Example: He felt a flutter in his heart when he saw her smile.

4. Happiness: The state of being happy.
Example: Her happiness was contagious, brightening everyone’s day.

5. Horse: A large domesticated mammal.
Example: The horse galloped gracefully across the meadow.

6. Hospital: An institution providing medical treatment.
Example: She was taken to the hospital for a routine check-up.

7. Holiday: A day of festivity or recreation when no work is done.
Example: We plan to go to the beach for the holiday weekend.

8. Hammer: A tool with a heavy “head”.
Example: He used a hammer to fix the loose floorboard.

9. Horizon: The line where the earth’s surface and the sky appear to meet.
Example: The sun set slowly over the horizon, painting the sky in shades of orange and pink.

10. Hug: An act of holding someone tightly in one’s arms.
Example: She gave her friend a warm hug after not seeing her for years.

11. Hurricane: A large tropical storm with strong winds and heavy rain.
Example: The hurricane caused extensive damage to the coastal towns.

12. Hobby: An activity done for pleasure.
Example: Gardening is her favourite hobby; she finds it relaxing and rewarding.

13. Humor: The quality of being amusing.
Example: His sense of humor always lightens the mood during stressful times.

14. History: The study of past events.
Example: She enjoys reading history books to learn about ancient civilizations.

15. Health: The state of being free from illness or injury.
Example: Maintaining a balanced diet is essential for good health.

16. Haven: A place of safety or refuge.
Example: The small cottage by the lake served as a haven for weary travellers.

17. Help: Assistance or support provided to someone.
Example: They offered help to their neighbour after the storm damaged her roof.

18. Height: The measurement of someone.
Example: The height of the building was impressive, towering over the city skyline.

19. Hand: The end part of a person’s arm.
Example: She raised her hand to ask a question in class.

20. Heaven: A place regarded in various religions as the abode of God.
Example: The view from the mountain-top felt like a glimpse of heaven.

What are the Different Types of Nouns ?

When you explore nouns that start with h, you will discover different types  of nouns—common, proper, abstract, and collective—so that by the end of this lesson, you’ll be able to reply to the question, “What are the examples of noun?”

Common Nouns Beginning With H

Common nouns refer to general items, not specific ones, and they are not capitalized unless they begin a sentence. So, what are the examples of nouns beginning with h in common nouns? Here are some lists of Nouns that start with h.

1. Horse: A large, domesticated mammal.
Example: The horse trotted gracefully across the field.

2. Heart: An organ that pumps blood through the body.
Example: His heart raced as he prepared for the big performance.

3. Happiness: A state of happiness.
Example: She found happiness in the simple things in life.

4. Horizon: The line where the earth’s surface and the sky appear to meet.
Example: The sunset painted the horizon in shades of orange and pink.

5. Health: The state of being free from illness or injury.
Example: Regular exercise is essential for maintaining good health.

6. Holiday: A day of festivity or recreation when no work is done.
Example: We are planning a family holiday to the beach next month.

7. Hospital: An institution providing medical treatment for injured people.
Example: He was admitted to the hospital for a minor surgery.

8. Hug: An embrace.
Example: She gave her friend a warm hug after not seeing her for years.

9. Humor: The quality of being amusing.
Example: His sense of humor always lightens the mood in the office.

10. Hustle: A busy movement.
Example: The hustle and bustle of the city can be overwhelming.

Here are some more examples of nouns beginning with h. Let’s see, what are the examples of noun?

Hunger HabitatHarbor
Height Hero Hazard 
Hand Harvest Habit 
Honor Helm Hypothesis 
Haven Haste Hoop 

Proper Nouns Beginning With H

Proper nouns are names for unique individuals, places, or organizations. They are always capitalized. Let’s see what are the examples of noun in proper nouns that start with H.

1. Hawaii: A U.S. state.
Example: They spent their honeymoon in Hawaii, enjoying the beautiful beaches.

2. Harvard: A prestigious university in Cambridge, Massachusetts.
Example: He was accepted to Harvard and plans to study law there.

3. Himalayas: A mountain range in Asia.
Example: The Himalayas offer breathtaking views for hikers and climbers.

4. Harry Potter: A fictional character in J.K. Rowling’s book series.
Example: Harry Potter is one of the most popular fictional characters of all time.

5. Helsinki: The capital city of Finland.
Example: They visited Helsinki during their trip to Northern Europe.

6. Hollywood: A neighbourhood in Los Angeles.
Example: Many famous actors live in Hollywood and work on movie sets nearby.

7. Henry VIII: A former king of England.
Example: Henry VIII is remembered for his role in the English Reformation.

8. Honda: A Japanese automobile and motorcycle manufacturer.
Example: She drives a Honda Civic to work every day.

9. Hudson River: A river in New York.
Example: The boat sailed down the Hudson River, offering scenic views of the city.

10. Haiti: A country in the Caribbean.
Example: Haiti is known for its rich history and cultural heritage.

Here are some more examples of nouns beginning with h. Let’s see, what are the examples of noun?

Homer Hoover DamHamburg 
Harrison FordHoustonHades
HyundaiHannibalHilary Clinton
Homer SimpsonHaagen-DazsHoward University
HobbitonHadrian’s WallHershey

Abstract Nouns Beginning With H

Abstract nouns are names for ideas or concepts that cannot be physically touched. They represent things you think about or feel. Let’s see what are the examples of noun in abstract nouns beginning with H.

1. Happiness: A state of well-being and contentment.
Example: Happiness is often found in simple moments shared with loved ones.

2. Honesty: The quality of being truthful and sincere.
Example: Honesty is the foundation of any strong relationship.

3. Hope: A feeling of expectation.
Example: She held on to hope that things would improve in the future.

4. Harmony: A pleasing arrangement of parts.
Example: The community thrived in harmony, working together for a common goal.

5. Humility: humbleness.
Example: His humility made him approachable and respected among his peers.

6. Haste: Excessive speed of action.
Example: In her haste to finish the project, she overlooked important details.

7. Heartache: Emotional anguish or grief.
Example: After the breakup, she felt a deep heartache that took time to heal.

8. Honor: High respect or esteem.
Example: It was an honor to be recognized for her contributions to the community.

9. Horror: An intense feeling of fear, shock, or disgust.
Example: The horror of the situation left everyone speechless.

10. Heaviness: The quality of being heavy.
Example: There was a heaviness in the air after the unfortunate news.

Here are some more examples of nouns beginning with H. Let’s see, what are the examples of noun?

Humor HazinessHypocrisy

Collective Nouns Beginning With H

Collective nouns mean a group of people, animals, or things considered as a single unit. Let’s see what are the examples of noun in collective nouns that start with H.

1. Herd: A group of cattle or sheep.
Example: The herd of cows grazed peacefully in the meadow.

2. Hub: A central point where interest gathers.

Example: The city served as a hub for artists and musicians.

3. Host: A large number of people gathered together.
Example: The host of guests filled the ballroom for the celebration.

4. Hall: A group of people gathered in a particular room.
Example: The hall was filled with laughter and conversation during the event.

5. Huddle: A group of people or animals that come together for a specific purpose.
Example: The players formed a huddle to discuss their strategy before the game.

6. Havoc: Widespread destruction or devastation.
Example: The storm wreaked havoc among the coastal towns

7. Henchmen: A group of assistants or followers who support a leader.
Example: The villain’s henchmen were loyal to him no matter the task.

8. Horde: A large group of people or animals that are mobile and often difficult to control.
Example: A horde of bees swarmed around the picnic area.

9. Harassers: A group of individuals who torment others.
Example: The harassers were reported to the authorities after their actions escalated.

10. Harem: A domestic space reserved for the women of a polygamous family.
Example: The sultan’s harem was famous for its beauty and intrigue.

Here are some more examples of nouns beginning with H. Let’s see, what are the examples of noun?

HectaresHarbor Heritage 
Halls HoodlumsHunters

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